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Favorite metal release in this list I made

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[Sep 20,2007 8:49pm - vein_water ""]
I am bored and want to entertain myself with this poll.
[Sep 20,2007 8:52pm - blue ""]
MF for the win.
[Sep 20,2007 9:08pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Sep 20,2007 9:08pm - ArrowHead likes Pie  ""]
[Sep 20,2007 9:08pm - ArrowHead likes Pie  ""]
EH, the QFT was for blue, not autopsy
[Sep 20,2007 9:11pm - vein_water ""]

I'm so glad someone else appreciates real death metal, not the post Carnage Mike Amott crap, and by crap i mean crap. Even the carcass stuff he did was a joke next to the almighty CARNAGE
[Sep 20,2007 9:16pm - Ryan_M ""]
For me, it's a toss up between the Emperor and Mercyful Fate albums, but I'm probably going to have to lean more towards Mercyful Fate - Melissa was such an incredible record on so many levels...easily one of the very best metal albums ever made....EVER.
[Sep 20,2007 9:18pm - vein_water ""]
Ryan_M said:For me, it's a toss up between the Emperor and Mercyful Fate albums, but I'm probably going to have to lean more towards Mercyful Fate - Melissa was such an incredible record on so many levels...easily one of the very best metal albums ever made....EVER.

if you haven't heard the original recording/master I recommend checking it out. Alot better than the Roadrunner reissue/remaster
[Sep 20,2007 9:25pm - Ryan_M ""]
Eh, I can never tell the difference between regular and remastered recordings! As much as I'd like to own a real copy of the album, I downloaded my copy of Melissa, mainly so I could burn that and the Nuns Have No Fun e.p. on one CD.
[Sep 20,2007 9:35pm - vein_water ""]
Ryan_M said:Eh, I can never tell the difference between regular and remastered recordings! As much as I'd like to own a real copy of the album, I downloaded my copy of Melissa, mainly so I could burn that and the Nuns Have No Fun e.p. on one CD.

check record stores that carry used CDs. My friend found Don't Break The Oath and Melissa at Strawberry's in nashua for $3 a piece. Also go to the newbury comics in nashua because they have a copy of Swordmaster "post mortem tales" for really cheap. I recommend it alot. Great thrash, not as good as early Nocturnal Breed, but damn good.
[Sep 20,2007 10:16pm - RichHorror ""]
[Sep 20,2007 10:21pm - vein_water ""]
RichHorror said:Sabbath.

i wish I was snowblind right now
[Sep 20,2007 10:29pm - Ryan_M ""]
vein_water said:Ryan_M said:Eh, I can never tell the difference between regular and remastered recordings! As much as I'd like to own a real copy of the album, I downloaded my copy of Melissa, mainly so I could burn that and the Nuns Have No Fun e.p. on one CD.

check record stores that carry used CDs. My friend found Don't Break The Oath and Melissa at Strawberry's in nashua for $3 a piece. Also go to the newbury comics in nashua because they have a copy of Swordmaster "post mortem tales" for really cheap. I recommend it alot. Great thrash, not as good as early Nocturnal Breed, but damn good.

I frequent the Nashua Newbie's a lot - I live in Hudson. I bought my copy of Don't Break the Oath used at that store.
[Sep 20,2007 10:37pm - vein_water ""]
Ryan_M said:vein_water said:Ryan_M said:Eh, I can never tell the difference between regular and remastered recordings! As much as I'd like to own a real copy of the album, I downloaded my copy of Melissa, mainly so I could burn that and the Nuns Have No Fun e.p. on one CD.

check record stores that carry used CDs. My friend found Don't Break The Oath and Melissa at Strawberry's in nashua for $3 a piece. Also go to the newbury comics in nashua because they have a copy of Swordmaster "post mortem tales" for really cheap. I recommend it alot. Great thrash, not as good as early Nocturnal Breed, but damn good.

I frequent the Nashua Newbie's a lot - I live in Hudson. I bought my copy of Don't Break the Oath used at that store.

I forget what MF album the dude from Grimoire of exalted deeds was talking about with the true King, but he was claiming there is vocals on the remasters that were thrown in during the time of Roadrunner remastering the MF albums in 97/98, not sung by King. I wonder if its true, because I guess the guy from Grimoire's favorite band is Mercyful Fate. Seems like something worth looking into. I believe its on the track "Into the Coven"
[Sep 21,2007 2:15am - Dwellingsickness ""]
It's a tough decision between Carnage and Black Sabbath. I love both of those but for totally different reasons.
[Sep 21,2007 2:16am - GoatCatalyst ""]
wow. you're kind of a dick plotting those records against one another like that.
[Sep 21,2007 3:49am - dreadkill ""]
i had to go with melissa. that is one of my favorite albums of all time. it is one of the rare records i would call a true masterpiece.
[Sep 21,2007 9:20am - C.DEAD  ""]
Well Stevey, i guess i am going to have to go with the obvious choice....

OLD-"Lo Flux Tube" baby!

Well, not really, like goatse said, "wow. you're kind of a dick plotting those records against one another like that."
[Sep 21,2007 9:53am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm having a hard time choosing between my favorite Emperor record and my fourth favorite Sabbath record.
[Sep 21,2007 10:33am - Yeti ""]
life is all about In the Nightside Eclipse.
[Sep 21,2007 11:46am - MikePile  ""]
OLD art lord!
[Sep 21,2007 11:51am - C.DEAD  ""]
OLD is the shit, my personal favorite however is "Formula". That album is so fucking tripped out and heavy. Not to say all their other stuff wasn't, there is just something so awesome about that record.
[Sep 21,2007 4:35pm - vein_water ""]
C.DEAD said:OLD is the shit, my personal favorite however is "Formula". That album is so fucking tripped out and heavy. Not to say all their other stuff wasn't, there is just something so awesome about that record.

you just gave me an idea.

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