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Iran gets denied

[Sep 21,2007 6:26pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

look at the video in the left hand second one.

It's an interview with the Iranian president and the dude from 60 minutes.

The president gets denied the right to visit ground zero because "america" will think it's offensive, in fact he is not even allowed to lay a wreath.

The president totally points out how the anchor is a douche

"you are a representitive of the media, there are 300 million Americans all of them with different views, how can you say you are speaking for America when you say that my visit would be offensive."
[Sep 21,2007 6:29pm - zyklon ""]
I totally agree with the president. how laying a wreath would be offensive?
give the guy a break
[Sep 21,2007 6:32pm - CNV  ""]
He should have said "sorry, the jews would find it offensive and since the jews run america that would not be possible."
[Sep 21,2007 6:36pm - CNV  ""]
[Sep 21,2007 7:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Bomb Iran.
[Sep 21,2007 9:09pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
rather than bomb Iran I would sterilize almost all of the american population and force them into slave labor. It's all our "citizens" ,if you want to call most Americans that...sheep would be better, are good for.

Too bad Hitler made Eugenics so distasteful or our country would have been a lot better off.

I blame corporation for making people dumbed down and gullible. Hell we are so dumb we buy stuff that only lasts a year or two at most. Who here is going to be using the same Ipod or same Laptop in ten years?

cue all the rednecks calling me an UnAmerican, batty, nutbag, loony, moonbat, terrorist...or whatever else they hear on Bill O'reilly

[Sep 21,2007 10:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 21,2007 10:38pm - NIGGER ""]


[Sep 22,2007 2:28am - GoatCatalyst ""]
CNV said:He should have said "sorry, the jews would find it offensive and since the jews run america that would not be possible."

[Sep 22,2007 8:15am - atthehaunted ""]
they should let him speak then blow him up with an anal bomb.
[Sep 22,2007 1:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
atthehaunted said:they should let him speak then blow him up with an anal bomb.

They have those?
[Sep 25,2007 6:02am - hungtableed  ""]
I saw the interview with this dirt bag last night. I'm actually watching his Q&A at Columbia Univ. right now on CSPAN.
[Sep 25,2007 10:35am - Yeti ""]

[Sep 25,2007 10:46am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
hungtableed said:I saw the interview with this dirt bag last night. I'm actually watching his Q&A at Columbia Univ. right now on CSPAN.

That Dirtbag is either an eloquent liar, or an honest man who has been ostracized too long. If half the things he said are true than I don't get why the government is dissing on him.

hhhhahah plus he said gays don't exist in Iran like they do in the US.

[Sep 25,2007 11:40am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:hhhhahah plus he said gays don't exist in Iran like they do in the US.


"We no longer make them wear blue hat!"
[Sep 25,2007 2:24pm - hungtableed  ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:hungtableed said:I saw the interview with this dirt bag last night. I'm actually watching his Q&A at Columbia Univ. right now on CSPAN.

hhhhahah plus he said gays don't exist in Iran like they do in the US.

hahahahaha, that made me laugh equally as hard. Trust me...

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