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i went to a wild party last week

[Sep 22,2007 1:20pm - Dr. sphincto  ""]
So last friday my buddy decided to throw a party and invited a good number of ppl including me and lucy.
So i get to the party and everyone there is in a toga. So i put down my cooler and take out 2 40oz and a big bottle of das jagermeister.

Soon before i know it the bottle of das jager is empty, cuz lucy drank it all and was completely shattered to the point where she passed out. And woke up puking on 2 of my friends, herself, and my friend's couch.

I was drunk too after 4 beers. No i'm not a lightweight I was just on an empty stomach.
You guys ever get drunk and start hiccupping cuz that was me.
I called lucy the next day and it turns out she blacked out and doesn't remember much of the party
[Sep 22,2007 2:50pm - atthehaunted ""]
Maybe there was a ruffie involved and someone anally penetrating her.
[Sep 22,2007 11:14pm - xanonymousx ""]
lets not talk about ruffie's or whatever that was in the drinks i had.
[Sep 23,2007 1:33am - sever nli  ""]
yay ruffie ftw
[Sep 23,2007 3:55am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
[Sep 23,2007 8:30am - the_reverend ""]
not so xax and ruffie.
[Sep 23,2007 9:36am - Dr. sphincto  ""]
no ruffies were involved
[Sep 23,2007 9:38am - hyper_sludge ""]
could've been worse. at least the awful waffle was avoided
[Sep 23,2007 10:50am - tylerl ""]
drunk hiccups suck
[Sep 23,2007 11:42am - intricateprocess ""]
Dr. sphincto said:

I was drunk too after 4 beers. No i'm not a lightweight I was just on an empty stomach.

[Sep 23,2007 11:57am - DrewBlood ""]
atthehaunted said:Maybe there was a ruffie involved and someone anally penetrating her.

i can see why that would be distressing.
rrrrrrrrrrrrrruffies have rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrridges
[Sep 23,2007 5:27pm - iren_the_viking ""]
that was the lamest story ever.
[Sep 23,2007 7:45pm - Hoser ""]
Tell you what....I fucked L00cy that night and she moaned like a dog in heat, drunk as hell of course.

Don't believe me? She has a small "inny" mole on the inside of her left thigh.
[Sep 23,2007 7:47pm - Hoser ""]
I kept staring at it...the light was uber low but I could sure as shit see that mole.
[Sep 23,2007 7:47pm - Hoser ""]
Was a great party BTW.
[Sep 23,2007 7:52pm - Ryan_M ""]
iren_the_viking said:that was the lamest story ever.

Agreed 100%.
[Sep 24,2007 8:02am - xmikex ""]
I heard Lucy got shitfaced one time and bought a pair of flip flops from American Eagle.

What a debacle.
[Sep 26,2007 5:21pm - Dr. sphincto  ""]
You guys weren't at this party, pussies.
[Sep 26,2007 6:09pm - Ryan_M ""]
Spending a quiet evening doing something other than getting shit faced at a party makes one a pussy?
I'm the biggest pussy alive, for I've never been to a party. The only one I got dragged to, I left after 5 minutes and walked home.
[Sep 26,2007 6:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i have some wonderful etchings of a bridge you could look at.
[Sep 26,2007 6:51pm - omg  ""]
story of 2007
[Sep 27,2007 1:19am - SinisterMinister ""]
Where is the point of this story?
"I went to a party and the chick I thought I was going to sleep with drank all my booze and puked."

[Sep 27,2007 7:02am - MikeGiallo  ""]
iren_the_viking said:that was the lamest story ever.

Tyler and I finally agree on something.
[Sep 27,2007 7:08am - MikeGiallo  ""]
Last party I went to me and this little girl passed out completely naked on the bathroom floor. Then we woke up the next morning covered in puke, don't know whose puke though. It smelled like Honey Combs. Then we did lines and took a shower and I went to work.

Now that's a party.

Oh, and the party before that I was fucking my friend's girlfriend while he went out to get Wendys and he came back and walked in the room so I just apologized and left the room embarrassed, though he didn't seem to care. Later on he told me after I left the room he fucked her doggy style while she puked all over the kids bed.
[Sep 27,2007 8:28am - xanonymousx ""]
now thats a story you didn't need to find five dollars for.
[Sep 27,2007 8:52am - C.DEAD  ""]
Thanx Mike, now thats being a fucking shitbag! You totally pwned it!

[Sep 27,2007 9:56am - MikeGiallo  ""]
Haha thanks, I do what I can.
[Sep 27,2007 10:01am - sinistas ""]
Moral of the story: don't brag about parties on RTTP unless they're truly ridiculous.
[Sep 27,2007 10:07am - C.DEAD  ""]
sinistas said:Moral of the story: don't brag about parties on RTTP unless they're truly ridiculous.

No shit. I don't understand what was so special about his story. Sounded like something that happened in highschool that i wouldn't even bother telling a friend who was not at said party.
[Sep 27,2007 10:32am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
sinistas said:Moral of the story: don't brag about parties on RTTP unless they're truly ridiculous.

True. I don't even deem last weekend's story of going to a strip club to throw dollar bills at naked midgets with Mark Fucking Richards and Adam Mason worthy of the board. The only other details I'll reveal from that night is that Adam was barking at black people as we were leaving and Mark told a stripper that she smelled like a Yankee Candle store.
[Sep 27,2007 10:34am - sinistas ""]
haha, exactly.
[Sep 27,2007 10:45am - Yeti ""]
now if this party involved Das Boot full of Jager and the emptying of a zoo, that would be post-worthy.

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