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Despised Icon/Suicide Silence tonight in Manchester

American Legion (Manchester, NH) - [despised_icon][pillar_of_autumn][randomshots][see_you_next_tuesday][shot_down_sun][suicide_silence][winds_of_plague]
[show listing]  ____________________________________________
[Sep 25,2007 1:51pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Anyone here going?
[Sep 25,2007 1:56pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 25,2007 2:24pm - yummy ""]
[Sep 25,2007 2:33pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]

Why not?

If you don't go, a giant eight legged freak on a stick will eat your family whole while you sit on the porcelain throne reading the latest issue of GQ.
[Sep 25,2007 3:13pm - Lamp ""]
That sounds better than going to see either of these two bands.
[Sep 25,2007 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
hahahaha agreed.
[Sep 25,2007 3:34pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Sep 25,2007 4:00pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
i love Al but new despised icon is blah. suicide silence is scene queen garbage.
[Sep 25,2007 4:25pm - BornSoVile ""]
i'll be there at worcester tomorrow, cocked and speaking wicked bad french.
[Sep 25,2007 4:52pm - timmy porphyria  ""]
I'm probably going to go. I live right down the street so I don't have an excuse, but the caliber of people going will most likely suck.
[Sep 25,2007 5:50pm - mOe forgot his PW  ""]
if NH weren't 1:40 away I'd go
[Sep 25,2007 6:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I've seen timmy, otb, ctb, al, metalunioners, and others.
[Sep 25,2007 7:07pm - cmtaib  ""]
we were suppose to play this but we got screwed[because we are more br00tal than suicide silence.]
we will be playing fox hall soon though i'm not sure when but soon.
[Sep 25,2007 7:09pm - cmtaib  ""]
i mean when we were announced as the locals suicide silence heard us and said oh no they're crazy and just said that if we play everyone will not know what to do and just leave because of the awesomeness that just happened.
[Sep 25,2007 7:12pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
[Sep 25,2007 7:26pm - cmtaib  ""]
we are working on a new song about themetalunion its gonna be an epic.
[Sep 25,2007 7:51pm - the_reverend ""]
the song is about greasy portoricians and donut shops.
[Sep 25,2007 7:55pm - cmtaib  ""]
yep it is.
it shall be an epic!

we are also working on one about an online message board. no clue about the name yet but its going to blow your mind!
[Sep 25,2007 8:06pm - Phrozenspite ""]
what time is Despised Icon going to be on?
[Sep 25,2007 8:11pm - yummy ""]
not much of a Despised Icon fan. I think after hearing Suicide Silence the first time they got discarded to the pile of never listen to again.
[Sep 25,2007 8:17pm - the_reverend ""]
DI will be on in 15 minutes.
[Sep 25,2007 10:06pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
three cheers for mediocrity

yay... yay...

[Sep 25,2007 11:32pm - the_reverend ""]
pictures in a minute.
[Sep 26,2007 12:36am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I'm kind of bummed out Winds of Plague wasn't that great. I was expecting a lot.
[Sep 26,2007 12:43am - Phrozenspite ""]
that was awesome at the end when everyone spilled outside to go after that dude
[Sep 26,2007 12:56am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Do you know exactly what happened?

I thought it was because of the dude next to me who power bombed another kid on the floor for jumping on him. But then I heard it was because someone punched a girl in the face.
[Sep 26,2007 1:00am - Phrozenspite ""]
as far as I can tell i think some girl got hit in the face with a chair at the end when that dude was telling everyone to throw shit... maybe they'd have better luck getting people to headbang if they had actual riffs haha
[Sep 26,2007 1:09am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
That's what I heard too. Oh well, crap happens.

Anyway, I wish I knew who you were/looked like because I could have met you. I've met a lot of RTTPers and I think you added me on Myspace.
[Sep 26,2007 1:34am - immortal13 ""]
I think Winds of Plague kicked ass...except for the power going out causing such a short set. They sound better with the keyboardist though.
[Sep 26,2007 1:46am - SteveOTB ""]
immortal13 said:I think Winds of Plague kicked ass...except for the power going out causing such a short set. They sound better with the keyboardist though.

I actually thought they sounded terrible tonight. No emotion, kept fucking up, off time, power kept going out; overall it was just a bad night for them but atleast they knew and apologized for it.

I thought it was a good show...yeah we were supposed to play this too. No seriously.
[Sep 26,2007 7:31am - cmtaib  ""]
dude if we were there everyone would of been headbanging.
[Sep 26,2007 7:38am - xanonymousx ""]
is that nate johnson?
shit this show looked fun
if i was going to this show i probably would of went to last nights instead of the palladium
[Sep 26,2007 7:45am - xanonymousx ""]

what does this dude think he cannot find one decent photo of himself on returntothepit?
shit. looks like the_classic_network was there too.
[Sep 26,2007 8:43am - aaron_michael ""]
so, what the hell happened that resulted in all these bruised up people pictures?
[Sep 26,2007 1:16pm - cmtaib  ""]
they were upset because cut my throat as i bled didn't play.....
[Sep 26,2007 1:18pm - cmtaib  ""]
either that or its these people's stupidity for listening to a band wanting to see them fuck the place up or something.... pretty dumb.
maybe the metalunion will post a video.
[Sep 26,2007 1:20pm - cmtaib  ""]
maybe all these stacked chairs and a meathead sitting on top of them had to do with something.
[Sep 26,2007 1:33pm - aaron_michael ""]
haha, "meathead"? the kid looks like 90 pounds of birdshit in a 10-year-old bag.
[Sep 26,2007 1:39pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Yes, Nate Johnson was there. Scott from The Network was there too.
[Sep 26,2007 1:56pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
xanonymousx said:[img]
is that nate johnson?
shit this show looked fun
if i was going to this show i probably would of went to last nights instead of the palladium

I feel privileged to have stood next to and talked with Nate Johnson. He has MASSIVE vocals and he's a wicked nice dude.
[Sep 26,2007 5:26pm - xanonymousx ""]
nate is awesome.
[Sep 26,2007 7:50pm - werdd  ""]
rev reviews of bands??
[Sep 26,2007 9:54pm - NippleViolater ""]
Oh yea, us network babies were there sucking on our "21-yr old only bottles"

Good times!
[Sep 26,2007 11:17pm - werdd  ""]
werdd said:rev reviews of bands??

[Sep 27,2007 12:07am - the_reverend ""]
tell it to my phone. I type them on there and have been fighting with it to even make a phone call since this show.
[Sep 27,2007 1:15am - Phrozenspite ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:That's what I heard too. Oh well, crap happens.

Anyway, I wish I knew who you were/looked like because I could have met you. I've met a lot of RTTPers and I think you added me on Myspace.

I got there a short bit into Despised Icon's set... I was over on the right side near the PA/Speaker in a Visceral Bleeding shirt... big tall Asian guy for future reference I doubt I got in any of the pics this time around
[Sep 27,2007 4:16pm - RabbitFetus_  ""]
That guy taking a picture of himself should be shot with something other than a camera.
[Sep 27,2007 4:25pm - the_reverend ""]
if you look, that's the singer of the jonah viel taking pictures.
granted it does look like cunt's singer.

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