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Boston's Dead always looking for bands

[Dec 29,2003 6:31pm - shatteredliz ""]
Wanted to let everyone know that we're getting together tomorrow (Tuesday) to book February's Boston's Dead. We are always looking for new bands to play the shit out of O'Brien's. You can send a demo or e-mail me a link to your mp3's. (obviously if you want to be considered for February, you'll have to send me an e-mail tonight, but there's always another month, so don't dispair!)


Prophetless Productions
c/o Geoff Morse
1011 Centre st.
Boston, MA 02130
[Dec 29,2003 8:37pm - Hoser ""]
[Dec 29,2003 8:59pm - shatteredliz ""]
uhhhhh what?
[Dec 29,2003 11:20pm - Terence ""]
[Dec 30,2003 10:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
forget Hoser's band, he is a fag. Anyone who doesn't like the bands on my label obviously has problems with their sexuality.

try getting Hirudinea on one of those sometime, those guys rule.

Also, I found out about this newer band called The Abhorred who seem cool.
[Dec 30,2003 1:44pm - Noosebomb666 ""]
Liz, youve got mail!!
[Dec 30,2003 3:36pm - Anthony ""]
Cryptic Warning is actually from Boston. So we'd be a perfect match for Boston's dead, seemingly.

Anyhoo, mp3s are available on the site. http://www.crypticwarning.com

And Joe, who's playing with us on the 11th with Random Acts? I could talk to the Abhorred if you want, we played with them the other night and they are good and nice guys too. On the 11th we will also be releasing our new 3 song demo Internally Reviled, be there and buy it!
[Dec 30,2003 3:53pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Anthony said:Cryptic Warning is actually from Boston. So we'd be a perfect match for Boston's dead, seemingly.

Anyhoo, mp3s are available on the site. http://www.crypticwarning.com

And Joe, who's playing with us on the 11th with Random Acts? I could talk to the Abhorred if you want, we played with them the other night and they are good and nice guys too. On the 11th we will also be releasing our new 3 song demo Internally Reviled, be there and buy it!

on the 11th you are playing with Gun Slinger and Phantom Limb
[Dec 31,2003 1:07am - Dave Maggot  ""]
hey i'm in upon crimson wings. we should be able to do one this time. we were on one once. but we had to drop off cuz we had a drummer who, lets just say his availability was lacking. joe knows. so contact my guitarist at meamogre18@aol.com and lets talk business. we are almost ready to play again, cuz we just got a new drummer.
[Dec 31,2003 10:56am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Dear Prophetless Productions,

Might I suggest the following bands to you:

Cryptic Warning
Weapon X (from CT)
Captain CutThroat
Dreaded Silence
Trinity Test

Yours truly,

JoJo Dancer
[Dec 31,2003 11:18am - shatteredliz ""]
Why thank you Joseph. As always you are a great help. Thank you to everyone who e-mailed me, and keep them coming. I think we have the line-up for February, but we're ALWAYS looking for new bands to book!

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