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Nile at the Palladium

[show listing]  ______________________________
[Sep 27,2007 1:29pm - Yeti ""]
Saturday March 29th. i'm sure they will fuck up the sound, but i don't care. seeing George Kollias live will be worth it.
[Sep 27,2007 1:51pm - Ryan_M ""]
Both times I saw Nile at the Palladium, the sound was like a massive wall of indecipherable thunder. They put on a good show though.
[Sep 27,2007 2:04pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Any word on who else is playing with them? I haven't seen Nile since the Black Seeds of Vengeance tour(s), and I definitely want to catch them with George Kollias. He's probably the best and most suiting drummer they've had.
[Sep 27,2007 2:28pm - omg  ""]
the faceless and suicide silence

[Sep 27,2007 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
[Sep 27,2007 3:48pm - fleshfries ""]
[Sep 27,2007 5:39pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
The Faceless are an awesome band in my opinion, but they get put on the fucking weirdest tours. They're touring with Enslaved pretty soon...I don't get it. Suicide Silence I still haven't heard--well, I have heard them but can't remember for the life of me if I liked them or not. I'm guessing I don't like them.
[Sep 28,2007 11:29am - brandon... ""]
yea the faceless is definatley a good band, suicide silence however is not.

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