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Audio / Video Taping / Collecting / Bootlegging

[Dec 30,2003 5:20pm - DethSquad ""]
Hey all... looking for metal audio / video tapers for trade only.. please send lists, websites, etc... to DethSquad@aol.com

my site is



PS: I like ALOT of different stuff.. right now I'm especially looking for Type O Negative covering "Jailhouse Rock"(they played it first few dates of the fall 2003 tour)...
[Dec 31,2003 2:55pm - the_reverend ""]
subjagate's got a bunch of stuff, but he probably missed this.
and I forget his site.

RA, what's up with pukebomb?
[Jan 2,2004 2:15pm - DethSquad ""]
looks like pukebombs site hasnt been updated in months and months.. i keep hearing about this subjagates collection.. lets see it already..

happy new year everyone!

[Jan 2,2004 2:18pm - the_reverend ""]
"The first time you try this, the receiver may feel a bit of pain. Anal sex is not for everyone, and if you feel uncomfortable stop and perhaps try again later. Think of this process as training for later anal encounters. Even a finger can provide intense stimulation when it is inserted in the anus."
[Jan 2,2004 2:26pm - noosebomb666 ""]
Jim from BOE has TONS of stuff. heres the link.

[Jan 2,2004 2:35pm - subjagate2  ""]
he has nuthing i need tho i checked it out

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