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C++ compliers

[Sep 30,2007 12:03am - boine ""]
so at school we use microsoft visual studio .net 2003 i need to grab one for home is this good or is there a better one any suggestions
[Sep 30,2007 12:55am - the_reverend ""]
what is your target platform? I would go with vs 2005. it rules. then again, I target the 2.0 mfc. 2003 targets 1.1.
2008 targets 3.0

borland is basically dead. they are writing everything (jbuilder included) into eclipse. you could always wrap eclipse around g++ or cpp and not run afoul of laws.
[Sep 30,2007 2:10am - boine ""]
ya i just need something for school right now dont gotta target anything specific
[Sep 30,2007 2:10am - the_reverend ""]
you need an IDE/Debugger?
[Sep 30,2007 2:11am - boine ""]
[Sep 30,2007 2:12am - the_reverend ""]
then just go with one of the .NETs.
they are pretty much the best IDE.
[Sep 30,2007 2:15am - boine ""]
cool, ill have to try to get a free one from the school of 2003 then
[Oct 1,2007 12:24pm - darkenedsoul ""]
You can download the Visual Studio 2005 Express right from MS's website along with their other *Express* development packages (C#, J++, etc...). So go look for them over at microsoft, sorry don't have URL handy.

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