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Sad day in New Hampshire

[Oct 5,2007 10:46pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
[Oct 5,2007 10:58pm - fleshfries ""]
they make a good argument....there is no law staing federal taxes need to be paid.....zeitgeist anyone?
[Oct 5,2007 11:47pm - vein_water ""]
NH is one of the most confusing states regarding taxes. Yes we don't pay income/sales tax but we make up for it in property tax. The whole north east is run by money grubbing fuck wads. NH is just one of the last states to go down with the rest.

I rather live in Maine or Vermont than NH.
[Oct 6,2007 12:34am - the tax man  ""]
fleshfries said:they make a good argument....there is no law staing federal taxes need to be paid.....zeitgeist anyone?

you will pay your taxes or wish you did,end of story
[Oct 6,2007 12:36am - vein_water ""]
although I believe certain/specific taxes are a wasted investment for the people of america. I will agree that if you don't opt to pay them you will go down like MC Hammer.
[Oct 6,2007 1:37am - the tax man  ""]
theres some new ones coming your way soon to! wooo
[Oct 6,2007 1:43am - dunwichnli  ""]
I love Maine but we are quite heavily taxed.
[Oct 6,2007 10:50pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
all for the greatah good
[Oct 7,2007 12:58am - neverpurified ""]
Quit your cryin' and pay what's due...or IRS will audit you

[Oct 7,2007 9:06am - NIGGER ""]

[Oct 7,2007 9:57am - Hoser ""]
Ya, I lived in NH my whole life. It's a cool place but now it's infested with Massholes. Anyone here either is or WAS a Masshole. I just keep going north...Maine is awesome, but we're heavily taxed....that much is true.

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