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Beer: Octoberfest brews

[Oct 7,2007 5:03pm - SkinSandwich ""]
What have you been drinking for this time O' year? I am drinking some Sam Adams Octoberfests. They are okay. A few nights ago had some Halloween beer but I cannot remember who put it out, so it did it's job. It was good shit. Harpoon puts out a decent Octoberfest. Discuss...
[Oct 7,2007 5:11pm - tylerl ""]
ive tried six different pumpkin ales so far, weyerbacher and shipyard are awesome. not really into octoberfests but i cant wait for winter warmers (sam adams old fezziwig!)
[Oct 7,2007 5:19pm - HUNTERHUNTER ""]
post road pumpkin ale
[Oct 7,2007 5:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale
[Oct 7,2007 6:05pm - scumfuck ""]
Gotta go with the wachusett octoberfest myself
[Oct 7,2007 6:47pm - tylerl ""]
i didnt think the post road or blue moon were good at all
[Oct 7,2007 6:58pm - sacreligion ""]
milly's tavern has a really good octoberfest. smuttynose pumpkin ale is pretty good as well
[Oct 7,2007 7:51pm - the revealer  ""]
I'd second the Shipyard brew. It's called Pumpkinhead.
[Oct 7,2007 8:34pm - MattKings  ""]
Dogfish head pumkin ale is amazing.
[Oct 7,2007 11:00pm - craig nli  ""]
the revealer said:I'd second the Shipyard brew. It's called Pumpkinhead.

just had some last weekend. fucking good stuff. not too pumpkiny. blue moon has too much of a pumpkin taste. not enough beerness
[Oct 8,2007 12:39am - ctborderpatrol  ""]
spaten and hacker pschorr for oktoberfests. blows sam adams out of the water
[Oct 8,2007 5:15am - I_am_not_me ""]
tylerl said:ive tried six different pumpkin ales so far, weyerbacher and shipyard are awesome. not really into octoberfests but i cant wait for winter warmers (sam adams old fezziwig!)

Yeah, the Shipyard is awesome.
[Oct 8,2007 9:01am - drummy  ""]
paulaner oktoberfest kicks balls
[Oct 8,2007 9:05am - Messyfucker  ""]
i think i'll try the blue moon tonight
[Oct 8,2007 10:10am - immortal13 ""]
The Sam Adams Octoberfest isn't as good this year as it was last year. The different brew this year isn't that great. Last year's brew was amazing.
[Oct 8,2007 12:20pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Beck's Oktoberfest off the tap is pretty good. Spaten also a good choice. This isn't really an Oktoberfest, but I tried a Red Hook Late Autumn Harvest Ale that was nice.
[Oct 8,2007 12:23pm - SinisterMinister ""]
weyerbacher fucking dominates all.
[Oct 8,2007 12:27pm - t2daeek ""]
[Oct 8,2007 1:56pm - SW  ""]
actually I just tried this beer called Leinenkugel-Sunset Wheat. I've had a lot of beers but this one is easily in my top 5
[Sep 24,2010 9:48am - arktouros ""]
[Sep 24,2010 10:31am - Yeti ""]
Gritty McDuff's Halloween Ale is not very good at all. it tastes raisiny. Beck's Octoberfest is awesome. Smuttynose Pumpkin is also awesome. last night i was drinking Harvest Moon. good stuff.
[Sep 24,2010 11:00am - brian_dc ""]

ctborderpatrol said:spaten and hacker pschorr for oktoberfests. blows sam adams out of the water

been drinking hacker-pschorr all week

Gotta go with the original Oktoberfest
[Sep 24,2010 11:09am - Sinister_Minister  ""]
Dogfish Head. They make a "Punk'n" ale. Deeelicious!
[Sep 24,2010 11:10am - Sinister_Minister  ""]

SinisterMinister said:weyerbacher fucking dominates all.

3 years later, and it's still true.
[Sep 24,2010 11:13am - aaron_michael ""]
Been doing a lot of Shipyard, Smuttynose, Smashed Pumpkin, and Rouge.
[Sep 24,2010 11:20am - Sinister_Minister  ""]
[Sep 24,2010 11:22am - aaron_michael ""]

Sinister_Minister said:*Rogue

[Sep 24,2010 1:24pm - Yeti ""]

Sinister_Minister said:*Rogue

[Sep 24,2010 2:36pm - Fist  ""]
BBC octoberfest is the best ever
[Sep 24,2010 4:07pm - sigh  ""]

arktouros said:[img]

I'm hoping for the day dirndl becomes a popular fashion choice. Soooooo traditionally hot.



Note to self...get the fuck to Munich next year.

This one showing some great potential future wife skills, all while doing it with a smile.
[Sep 24,2010 5:11pm - Tim28  ""]
I thought the Weihenstephaner Festbier was great! Also, the Bell's and Left Hand Oktoberfest's were good too. Best time of the year for beer. Got some Southern Tier Pumking in the fridge too.
[Sep 24,2010 6:02pm - Nigger Cum  ""]
drinking harpoon octoberfest right now. was thinking about getting magic hat "ourtoberfest"
[Sep 24,2010 7:12pm - quintessence_nli  ""]
Magic Hat's "Hex" october fest is pretty good. The bottle is cool as well.
[Sep 24,2010 8:59pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Pumpkinhead for life. It's like drinking pumpkin pie but with alcohol in it. That being said, you can only drink 6 until you feel the bloated full feeling.
[Sep 24,2010 9:58pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Shiner Octoberfest is really good. I had my wife conduct a blind taste test on me and I picked it over Sam Adams O'Fest, which I absolutly love
[Sep 25,2010 12:51am - goatcatabisk  ""]
Everything Shiner brews rules!

Love the Harpoon Oktoberfest.

Pumpin Ales? Yuck

Nothing, however, beats GROLSCH HERFSTBOK
[Sep 25,2010 1:28am - goatcatabisk  ""]
Heavens... Who is posting as me? Better yet, whose bullshit did I stay "unlogged in" at?

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