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WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO STUFF? - Members needed for a thrash/sludge/whatever project

[Oct 9,2007 7:23pm - ZJD ""]
I posted about this a while ago.

I'm looking for a drummer, bassist, and probably a guitarist to play thrashy metal with lots of stoner/sludge parts. I have a lot of stuff written and most of it recorded with programmed drums - http://www.myspace.com/zombiejesusdefecation .

I live in Merrimack, NH (between Manchester and Nashua) but drive every other week or so, sometimes more often, to Rhode Island so I'm willing to travel a bit, though I do live in a house suitable for practice.
[Oct 9,2007 7:41pm - Lamp ""]
*picks up drumsticks*
[Oct 9,2007 7:46pm - ZJD ""]
Lamp said:*picks up drumsticks*

Really? I would have asked you long ago had I thought you'd be into it at all. Are you?
[Oct 31,2007 5:01pm - ZJD ""]
[Oct 31,2007 5:22pm - brandon... ""]
cool stuff, id might be interested in jamming if it were closer. Ive got a space in springfield ma.
[Nov 5,2007 5:11pm - desolate_laughter ""]
Hails, I may be interested. I live in Brookline and play bass and guitar. I'm more into death and black metal and some hardcore but I am willing to do just about any fuckin thing to get something started. I just moved up here recently from Florida where I sang in a progressive hardcore/death band. If you're interested, hit me up.

You can also contact me on the myspace.
[Jan 27,2008 7:56pm - ZJD ""]
Still/always looking.
[Jan 27,2008 9:46pm - Lamp ""]
desolate_laughter said:progressive hardcore

What the fuck!? Such a thing does not exist.
[Jan 28,2008 8:22am - ZJD ""]
[Jan 28,2008 2:52pm - ZJD ""]
,nb wfgb
[Jan 28,2008 7:41pm - ZJD ""]
[Jan 29,2008 12:31am - ZJD ""]
first page, eh?
[Jan 29,2008 10:37pm - ZJD ""]
mn jmnl
[Jan 30,2008 5:08pm - ZJD ""]
[Jan 30,2008 11:15pm - davemonic  ""]
Dude i play drums and i like what you have going on man sounds good it just sucks that at the moment i have not time between my band SUMMONIG HATE AND my job but it sounds very interesting man.. you should just join us
[Jan 30,2008 11:20pm - davemonic  ""]
[Jan 31,2008 8:12am - ZJD ""]
no thanks
[Jan 31,2008 11:02pm - ZJD ""]
[Feb 3,2008 10:09pm - ZJD ""]
[Feb 11,2008 6:51pm - ZJD ""]
[Mar 3,2008 8:32pm - ZJD ""]
nb ckghvvjh
[Mar 4,2008 3:44pm - ZJD ""]
[Mar 5,2008 3:51pm - josh_hates_you ""]
i should have listened to this before. do you still commute to ri?
[Mar 5,2008 10:04pm - ZJD ""]
Yes. Pretty much every weekend.
[Mar 31,2008 11:50pm - ZJD ""]
I have a drummer for this now. Anyone do bass, vox, guitar? Can you do solos? Not sound exactly the same all the time vocally? Live remotely close to Manchester, NH?

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