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Resident Evil 5

[Oct 10,2007 6:18am - zombie killer  ""]
[Oct 10,2007 7:44am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Is it wrong that I think "KILL ALL THE HATIANS!" whenever I see the trailer?
[Oct 10,2007 12:25pm - narkybark ""]
I just finally finished 4... good times. Blowing the heads off those creepy flailing thorn things never gets old.
[Oct 10,2007 12:59pm - craig nli  ""]
resident evil 4 is awesome. im glad they got rid of that leon faggot for 5 though. visually 5 looks awesome. playstation 3 only im assuming?
[Oct 10,2007 2:52pm - pawt nick  ""]
PS3, 360, and I assume PC. Doesn't come out till 2009 tho.
[Dec 6,2008 7:29pm - boine nli  ""]
Been playing the 360 demo all day co op is great
[Dec 6,2008 11:02pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Graphics look good, gameplay looks meh based off the first video.
[Dec 7,2008 10:09am - niccolai ""]
game play is the same as RE4. which is ficking awsome.
[Dec 7,2008 10:16am - boine nli  ""]
Ya it is just more intense RE4 I just wish the demo was longer then 20 minutes but axe guy and chainsaw guy are a lot tougher
[Dec 7,2008 11:00am - immortal13 ""]
I can't even get past the first chainsaw guy in RE4. Pisses me off every time he cuts my damn head off.
[Dec 7,2008 11:09am - Martins ""]

immortal13 said:I can't even get past the first chainsaw guy in RE4. Pisses me off every time he cuts my damn head off.

That's not even hard compared to what comes later.
[Dec 7,2008 11:15am - the_reverend ""]
RE4 was the first RE that I liked. I could never deal with the controls. so RE5 isn't scary? that's what RE4 was missing. it was more like splatterhouse than silent hill.
[Dec 7,2008 11:16am - immortal13 ""]
Speaking of Silent Hill, has anyone played the new one yet?
[Dec 7,2008 11:19am - boine nli  ""]
Re games got ruined by 4 the slower puZzle gameplay was much better
[Dec 7,2008 12:21pm - the_reverend ""]
the controls for RE1/2/3 were TERRIBLE. RE4 was awesome cause it was the first one you could play with out an advanced degree in spacial mapping. I find the silent hills impossible to play cause of the camera angles and controls too. I wish they would keep the controls of RE4 and then work them into the actual games of RE1/2/3 or the silent hills. I love the actual SH/RE games since they are so creepy, but can't get past the controls/angle.s
[Dec 7,2008 12:50pm - niccolai ""]
ever try playing parasite eve? that game is a neck workout.
[Dec 7,2008 2:18pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 8,2008 9:55am - niccolai ""]
HIGHLY recomended.

might be tough to get into now since games have gotten better, but in it's day it was one of my fav. games.
[Dec 8,2008 10:04am - dftg  ""]
neck workout? what the fuck does that mean?
[Dec 8,2008 10:22am - oscarct ""]
res evil 4 was much better then the 1st 3. Demo for 5 will be on xbox live in the next few days (this week i think)
[Dec 8,2008 10:27am - c.DeAD  ""]
I thought 3 was the best one, but 4 still kicked ass. I can't wait for 5, looks insane.
[Dec 8,2008 1:39pm - boine ""]
you can download the demo from japan or u could earlier in the week and if not you can burn it
[Dec 8,2008 1:48pm - oscarct ""]

boine said:you can download the demo from japan or u could earlier in the week and if not you can burn it

or you can wait a few days and download the us demo on xbox.
[Dec 8,2008 2:11pm - jacksonmang  ""]

niccolai said:ever try playing parasite eve? that game is a neck workout.

also one of my fav. games!!:doublehorns: second only to RE2 for me
[Dec 8,2008 2:28pm - boine ""]

oscarct said:
boine said:you can download the demo from japan or u could earlier in the week and if not you can burn it

or you can wait a few days and download the us demo on xbox.

i did download from japan to the xbox that is fully in english, all Biohazards always have been in english and they still do not have a time frame for demo to come out in america
[Dec 8,2008 2:43pm - c.DeAD  ""]
It comes out in a couple months! Fuck, just play some other games.
[Dec 8,2008 2:47pm - boine ""]
no other good games out other then NHL 09 anf Fallout
[Dec 8,2008 2:52pm - c.DeAD  ""]
Gears of War2, Deadspace, Silent Hill: Origins, COD:WAW all qualify as worthy, if not essential plays.
[Dec 8,2008 2:57pm - boine ""]
silent hill is only one i got interest in COD and GOW are just terrible and scene games i dont fuck with them
[Dec 8,2008 3:39pm - c.DeAD  ""]
What the fuck does "Scene" games mean? If their good, their good. Who gives a shit if more people than you would like play them. But if the FPS and/or third-person shooters aren't your bag, then I understand. I fucking hate all RPG's, but that doesn't mean they aren't great and/or "scene" games.
[Dec 8,2008 4:26pm - oscarct ""]

c.DeAD said:What the fuck does "Scene" games mean? If their good, their good. Who gives a shit if more people than you would like play them. But if the FPS and/or third-person shooters aren't your bag, then I understand. I fucking hate all RPG's, but that doesn't mean they aren't great and/or "scene" games.

haha I thought he was refering to those "scene it" games
[Dec 8,2008 4:26pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
I can't wait for this...playing Deadspace and Fallout 3 right now.
this looks potentially good too!
Arkham Asylum
[Dec 8,2008 4:33pm - oscarct ""]

BOBDEAD said:I can't wait for this...playing Deadspace and Fallout 3 right now.
this looks potentially good too!
Arkham Asylum

that batman game looks awesome..dude at the end of trailor sounds like George Takaei though
[Jan 26,2010 3:40pm - the_reverend ""]
this is racists.
[Jan 26,2010 3:47pm - oscarct ""]
RE 5 was a dissapointment. should have been so much better.
[Jan 26,2010 3:52pm - C.dEAd  ""]
I agree. I only played the demo, but it looked/played like a dolled up, pseudo RE4 with sunlight. Totally not what I think of when I play RE games. Co-op the entire game with an annoying cunt? What happened to desperation and survival? That's what made all the other games creepy as shit.

Either way, when the gold edition comes out with the extra episodes and gets down to $20 I will buy it.
[Jan 31,2010 8:11am - aaron_michael ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Is it wrong that I think "KILL ALL THE HATIANS!" whenever I see the trailer?

someone forgot to wash the tectonic plates.
must be a gov'ment conspiwacy.
[Jan 31,2010 8:12am - aaron_michael ""]
oh yeah, I'm not a video game fan, but RE:5 is fun.
[Jan 31,2010 8:14am - reimroc ""]
did i mention i beat this game in 1 day? game was fun but sucks compared to all previous RE games.

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