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How the hell?

[Oct 10,2007 8:51pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
do you embed players...from ebaums world for example?
[Oct 11,2007 12:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Read a book nigga!
[Oct 11,2007 12:59pm - the_reverend ""]
you can do it from ebaums? okes! you mean in myspace of here? here you can only embed yahoo.
[Oct 12,2007 12:47am - sxealex ""]
are you drunk that made no sense
[Oct 12,2007 12:48am - sxealex ""]
i think he means no embedding but youtube. which is like this [ youtube= ]
[Oct 12,2007 12:48am - sxealex ""]
then put the video id found in the link after the equal sign. no spaces
[Oct 12,2007 12:53am - Lamp ""]

They have the tutorial on that site(watch the flash).
[Oct 12,2007 2:47am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Someone sent me a video from Ebaums world and I wanted to post it here. I couldn't figure it out. The video was of some dude getting curb stomped onto one of those long neon bulbs. It was hilarious.
[Oct 12,2007 12:18pm - Lamp ""]
Whatever it is, you can find it somewhere else on the Internet, Ebaum's World is nothing more than a hack site that steals media from other places online and puts their watermark on it.
[Oct 12,2007 12:22pm - sacreligion ""]


i do believe that's the one you wanted
[Oct 12,2007 12:26pm - sacreligion ""]
oh yeah...to put it in you have to type [ youtube=the code for the video ]

with no spaces
[Oct 12,2007 7:57pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Yup, That's the one hahah. I had to go and watch American History X after seeing that video.
[Oct 12,2007 10:06pm - xanonymousx ""]
the rev added a video thing next to the image button in the reply box.

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