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just got my wisdom teeth out

[Oct 11,2007 3:13pm - succubus ""]
Hope the tooth fairy will leave me a gift under my pillow. They put the teeth in a cute box shaped like a tooth.
[Oct 11,2007 3:23pm - Doucheums  ""]
get any drogas?
[Oct 11,2007 3:33pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Can I have some drogas?
[Oct 11,2007 4:16pm - succubus ""]
yeah he gave me vicodin..these pills are way too huge and he told me to try nor ro drink booze. lying down now. a little loopy feeling
[Oct 11,2007 4:17pm - the_reverend ""]
are you not going back to work?
[Oct 11,2007 4:21pm - Kinslayer  ""]
succubus said:he told me to try nor ro drink booze.

you must be loopy...
[Oct 11,2007 4:42pm - the_reverend ""]
carin take 1/2 a vic and sip a glass of wine
[Oct 11,2007 4:44pm - succubus ""]
oops..sorry..i am typing lying down
he said no booze and i"m not in pain..don"t need anything
[Oct 11,2007 4:56pm - niccolai ""]
I had mine taken out about a year ago and they were so badly impacted that the oral surgeon hairline fractured my jaw.

I got oxycodone for it, but the pain was totally managable so I just sold the pills to someone on here for like 60 bucks.

I could have made more if my mom didn't take half the pills and do god knows what.

People who bitch about the pain from this opperation need to have their toes cut off.

the ONLY thing that sucked is finding something that I could eat. I found myself microwaving dunkin donuts bagels and eating the insides of them. It took like 4 hours to eat 1.

I just put a towel over one of my pillows and layed down, watched tv, and drooled all over it.
[Oct 11,2007 4:58pm - niccolai ""]
Booze has yeast in it which is a live bacteria.

Live bacteria + open wound in your mouth = 90% chance of infection.

Plus alchohol reacts with the pain killers they give you and is real bad for your liver and crap.
[Oct 11,2007 5:03pm - the_reverend ""]
Booze HAD yeast in it. they distill it and get out the yeast.
way to know jack shit.
[Oct 11,2007 5:06pm - niccolai ""]
Sorry a FUNGUS.

Raise your hand if there is an important difference, class.
[Oct 11,2007 5:06pm - the_reverend ""]
if yeasts stayed in alcohol, it would continue to ferment and there would be sediments from the Yeast. Once alcohol is "done" the yeast is taken out.

Yeasts are Fungi. Bacteria are way lover on the chain.
[Oct 11,2007 5:07pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Just ask any womens' vagina about yeast. They have the inside scoop.
[Oct 11,2007 5:13pm - the_reverend ""]

confusing the two is like confusing the empire state building and a pigeon. Yeast infections are when the balance between good yeast and bad yeast tilts towards the bad/opportunistic yeasts. One thing that girls can do to help a yeast infection is put non-sugar yogurt into/on the vagina. Yogurt is live cultured good yeast. so suck it bitches.
[Oct 11,2007 5:44pm - niccolai ""]
the_reverend said:
confusing the two is like confusing the empire state building and a pigeon.

Oh now you're just being a geek.
[Oct 11,2007 5:54pm - succubus ""]
niccolai said:I

People who bitch about the pain from this opperation need to have their toes cut off.

yeaH...PEOPLE SCARED ME..MY LEFT SIDE WASN'T EVEN NUMB oops..sorry abt caps.

i'm hunngry..i want soup i think.i'm just lying down watching tv drinking water
[Oct 11,2007 5:55pm - succubus ""]
blah blah aaron

nicc is correct abt damaging liver aaron -1
[Oct 11,2007 7:32pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I haven't got mine yet. Perhaps I'm super evolved.
[Oct 11,2007 8:00pm - the_reverend ""]
more like devolved. yeah, niccolai is right about some pain killers, but since all alcohol damages your liver, what does it matter? you aren't suppose to mix tylennol with alcohol
[Oct 11,2007 10:13pm - niccolai ""]
How about peanut butter and ladies?
[Oct 12,2007 1:08am - sacreligion ""]
swamplorddvm said:I haven't got mine yet. Perhaps I'm super evolved.

same here...damn monkey-esque folk and their "wisdom" teeth
[Oct 12,2007 1:30am - sxealex ""]
just keeping score now:
[Oct 12,2007 4:16am - todayistheday nli  ""]
mine are all fully in..but ive never had any pain from them...doctor said as long as they arent giving me problems then they can stay in.
[Oct 12,2007 9:37am - succubus ""]
i still don't have my bottom teeth...and swampy...i'm older than you and only recently top my top wisdom teeth in.
[Oct 12,2007 9:43am - Mess ""]
my wisdom teeth came in with no problem. they are still in but just the other day i was eating something and one of my molers split in half. it was one with a filling in it. my tongue is getting cut up from the jagged filling. having no dental insurance sucks.
[Oct 12,2007 9:45am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
sxealex said:just keeping score now:

You should register the name WISDOM_TEETH_POLICE
[Oct 12,2007 10:31am - xmikex ""]
Wisdom teeth suck. Sorry to hear about it. Hope you recover well.
[Oct 12,2007 5:01pm - niccolai ""]
Mess said:my wisdom teeth came in with no problem. they are still in but just the other day i was eating something and one of my molers split in half. it was one with a filling in it. my tongue is getting cut up from the jagged filling. having no dental insurance sucks.

Sometimes if you get hit in the face and say it's what broke your tooth and your jaw and teeth hurt and go to the ER (if you've got health insurence) then your medicle insurence will cover the dental fee.

That's how I got away with having my teeth pulled.
[Oct 13,2007 11:26am - NIGGER ""]


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