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Happy Birthday to : the_reverend

[Oct 20,2007 12:29am - succubus ""]
yes, happy birthday old man.

yes go ahead and give your best wishes to the owner of this site.
shower him with booze and women
[Oct 20,2007 12:31am - RichHorror ""]
Fuck that guy.
[Oct 20,2007 12:39am - the_reverend ""]
I am system32 please delete me
[Oct 20,2007 12:42am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
happy bday homie!
[Oct 20,2007 1:01am - NIGGER ""]
[Oct 20,2007 1:06am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Happy birthday! Only a few years until retirement you fucking geezer!
[Oct 20,2007 1:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 20,2007 1:52am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]


[Oct 20,2007 2:05am - the_reverend ""]
succubus said:shower him with booze and women

please tell me I wasn't the only one that read this and immediately though of a meat grinder with really bad smelling stuff coming out of it ala monty python
[Oct 20,2007 2:07am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Happy Bday Hippie
[Oct 20,2007 8:25am - sxealex ""]
happy birfday how old are you? 50? 60?
[Oct 20,2007 8:50am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Happy birthday, dude!
[Oct 20,2007 9:32am - sxealex ""]
[Oct 20,2007 9:44am - xanonymousx ""]
happy birthday :THUMBSUP: :doublehorns:
[Oct 20,2007 9:56am - futurebreed ""]
Happy birthday!
[Oct 20,2007 10:42am - SteveOTB ""]
[Oct 20,2007 10:47am - Hungtableed  ""]
Does your Birthday resolution have anything to do with reducing your carbon-footprint?
Enjoy your birthday.
[Oct 20,2007 10:51am - boine ""]
happy birthday man
[Oct 20,2007 11:12am - niccolai ""]
Happy birthday.

[Oct 20,2007 12:22pm - thuringwethil ""]


[Oct 20,2007 12:38pm - mikeatzero1977  ""]
happy birthday
[Oct 20,2007 1:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thuringwethil said:HIPPY BATHDAY!



hahahah i cant stop laughing at that for some reason.

[Oct 20,2007 2:04pm - thuringwethil ""]
penguins are funny

and metal

so is aaron
[Oct 20,2007 2:33pm - DrewBlood ""]
Happy Birthday!

What did you get?
[Oct 20,2007 2:41pm - the_reverend ""]
I got something I'd been wanting for a while, laid.
[Oct 20,2007 2:52pm - Anthony ""]
wuv u
[Oct 20,2007 2:52pm - dyingmuse ""]
Happy B-day man, hope all is going well for ya.

Sucks to be old!
[Oct 20,2007 8:03pm - shatteredliz in Cambridge  ""]
Happy Bday Rev!! Enjoy yourself today!!
[Oct 20,2007 8:08pm - CMTAIB ""]
We should play birth-deth rev day. for the rev.
[Oct 20,2007 9:02pm - the_reverend ""]
strike my previous comment. I got laid twice! itzs like xmas and my bday all at once.
[Oct 20,2007 9:23pm - I_am_not_me ""]
Happy birthday man.
[Oct 21,2007 12:00am - dreadkill ""]
happy birthday, aaron. hope it was fun.
[Oct 21,2007 1:40am - brian_dc ""]

way to go buddy
[Oct 21,2007 1:19pm - GoatCatalystNLI  ""]
happy belated, Rev

you are a great man
[Oct 21,2007 1:25pm - yummy ""]
I got laid twice!

It must be my birthday too then...and Christmas, but I'm the same age as yesterday.
Happy Birthday dude!
[Oct 22,2007 10:29am - immortal13 ""]
[Oct 22,2007 10:32am - Yeti ""]
yadhtrib yppah
[Oct 22,2007 11:19am - metal_church101 ""]
Happy belated b-day Rev.
[Oct 23,2007 5:01pm - Seth/Hekseri  ""]
Are you older then me, yet??? Happy B-day!
[Oct 23,2007 5:26pm - DIE-nli  ""]
happy birthday beotch!
[Oct 23,2007 5:29pm - LORDBACON ""]
yes, happy birthday to yas
[Oct 20,2014 8:13am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Oct 20,2014 8:24am - Yeti ""]
[Oct 20,2014 2:17pm - lurker  ""]
Happy birthday
[Oct 23,2014 12:59pm - Mad Russian  ""]
Happy Bdate!
Wish u whatever u wish for urself.
Thank you for the memories!
[Oct 23,2014 1:01pm - Mad Russian  ""]
Happy Bdate!
Wish u whatever u wish for urself.
Thank you for the memories!

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