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Dysentery posts 2 new songs

[Oct 21,2007 7:36pm - Blue ""]
We put up 2 new songs on the 'Space for your listening enjoyment, "In the Absence of the Martyr" & "Voice of Deprivation." These are demo versions of songs that will be on our full-length to be released in 2008 on Amputated Vein Records. Check it out!



[Oct 21,2007 7:39pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]


While we're at it!
[Oct 21,2007 7:59pm - Kinslayer  ""]
John email me a large image file of that poster and I'll do a test print or two and see how they come out...

or send me a high res file of those CD sized ad's you have...
[Oct 21,2007 8:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You have any IM programs? I'm on MSN, AIM, Yahoo IM, Myspace IM... I can send the files through one of those.
[Oct 21,2007 8:08pm - archaeon ""]
[Oct 21,2007 8:18pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I'm at work so, no...
[Oct 21,2007 8:37pm - cunt don't care  ""]
who are you having produce the full length?
[Oct 21,2007 8:49pm - niccolai ""]
Blue said:We put up 2 new songs on the 'Space for your listening enjoyment, "In the Absence of the Martyr" & "Voice of Deprivation." These are demo versions of songs that will be on our full-length to be released in 2008 on Amputated Vein Records. Check it out!




Were you just copying and pasting that? or are you in dysentery now?

[Oct 21,2007 8:50pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Blue is in the band now on bass.
[Oct 21,2007 9:03pm - Craig nli  ""]
blue is the shit. i hear he's body double for Hacksaw Jim Duggan. he takes all the falls for him.
[Oct 21,2007 9:33pm - niccolai ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Blue is in the band now on bass.


He has some big shoes to fill now that they aren't rolling with adam anymore.
[Oct 21,2007 9:50pm - Doucheums  ""]
Blue's the fuckin man; he's got that shit on lockdown

New songs sound sick
[Oct 21,2007 10:09pm - fishcakes ""]
that is some fuckin good shit!
[Oct 21,2007 10:11pm - nick // dys  ""]
thanks brother!
[Oct 22,2007 1:16am - jesus ""]
nasty shit guys
[Oct 22,2007 1:42am - BornSoVile ""]
framingham nigga!
[Oct 22,2007 1:54am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
My Dad is from Framingham, he moved to Newport in the 60's.
[Oct 22,2007 10:13am - gary  ""]
my dad used to live in my ass but now he moved to concord mci.
[Oct 22,2007 10:31am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Oct 22,2007 11:21am - nick // dys  ""]
just got some of the new abominable putridity from alex...
all i can say is drop A and jesus-fucking-christ!!! :NEWHORNS:
[Oct 22,2007 8:21pm - Blue ""]
[Oct 22,2007 8:32pm - RichHorror ""]
Blue, are you still in RGUT?
[Oct 22,2007 8:57pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Another thread about the new stuff..

[Oct 22,2007 10:22pm - Blue ""]
RichHorror said:Blue, are you still in RGUT?

i have decided to step down in my position in the trinity. i will be playing a show or two more with them and i will be done.
[Oct 22,2007 10:22pm - RichHorror ""]
[Oct 22,2007 10:54pm - nick // dys  ""]
thanks for the link dwyer!
[Oct 23,2007 12:05am - fishcakes ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Blue is in the band now on bass.

why don't you play guitar insted? two guitars can pull off live shows.
[Oct 23,2007 12:24am - Blue ""]
puhleeze, nick is the man and can pull it off perfectly fine by himself. regardless, weve doubled his ampage to bring even more devastation.
[Oct 23,2007 2:56am - fishcakes ""]
I,m just sayin guy.
[Oct 23,2007 2:12pm - nick // dys  ""]
wait till blue gets his carvin 7 string and sells me his ibanez 7, spalding will get a managerial job with a fortune 500, come back with a full bass rig (and his bow and arrow) and reclaim his spot as bassist. THEN blue will become the second guitarist; but such news will be overshadowed by eric spontaneously self-combusting live on stage, leaving nothing more than a green moped as vestige of his legacy...
[Oct 23,2007 3:51pm - Joshtruction ""]
nick // dys said:wait till blue gets his carvin 7 string and sells me his ibanez 7, spalding will get a managerial job with a fortune 500, come back with a full bass rig (and his bow and arrow) and reclaim his spot as bassist. THEN blue will become the second guitarist; but such news will be overshadowed by eric spontaneously self-combusting live on stage, leaving nothing more than a green moped as vestige of his legacy...

That shit sounds epic. I'm waiting for it!!!
[Oct 24,2007 1:21am - fishcakes ""]
it allways sounds better with two axemen
[Oct 24,2007 8:25pm - Blue ""]
[Oct 24,2007 8:31pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
[Oct 24,2007 9:32pm - archaeon ""]
blah wrong thread
[Oct 25,2007 11:42am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Do you guys use 7 strings now?

[Oct 25,2007 12:17pm - Blue ""]
we don't use 7 strings, neither does deconformity.
[Oct 25,2007 3:24pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
6 strings...drop c. ernie ball not even slinky 12 gauge..i was joking about the potential for 7 strings...
[Oct 25,2007 3:53pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Oct 25,2007 3:57pm - moe @ work  ""]
well, porphyria DID
[Oct 25,2007 4:13pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
i lack the opposable thumb necessary to play 7 strings.

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