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Buddy Rich drum solo (1970)...

[Oct 27,2007 3:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]


[Oct 27,2007 3:32pm - metalguy ""]
last place in the world i would expect to find something like this...
[Oct 27,2007 3:42pm - metalguy ""]
[Oct 27,2007 3:47pm - the_reverend ""]
look at how he warps/wares his snare.
[Oct 27,2007 4:27pm - veinwater  ""]
I can appreciate what Buddy Rich did for the drum world, but in my opinion, Billy Cobham is one of the best drummers in the jazz world. The stuff Cobham did with Miles Davis, Larry Coryell, and ultimately the Mahavishnu Orchestra changed the way I look at drummers forever.
[Oct 27,2007 4:50pm - INFECT ""]
so sick,
i bet he could do awesome blastbeats
[Oct 27,2007 4:53pm - NIGGER ""]

[Oct 27,2007 10:28pm - Ryan_M ""]
Fuckin guy makes all these technical death metal drummers look like chumps!
[Oct 27,2007 11:34pm - metalguy ""]
He makes anyone look like a chump
[Oct 28,2007 2:42am - sacreligion ""]
i've seen this before...the video of him at the end of his career when he has cancer is even more amazing though(not only because he has cancer, but the fact that he's like 70 and can still rip it like no one else)

pretty much goes to show what flawless technique can allow you to do. THAT'S ALL IN HIS FINGERS!
[Oct 28,2007 2:46am - sacreligion ""]
maybe not cancer...but still amazing

[Oct 28,2007 2:47am - sacreligion ""]
above solo is from 81
[Oct 28,2007 10:44am - corpus_colostomy ""]
[Oct 28,2007 1:02pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

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