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In the Name of the King

[Oct 31,2007 12:24am - VoidExpression ""]
I don't know if this has been on here yet, but one of the most awesomely horrendous movies in years is finally coming out this winter.

New trailer here: http://www.veoh.com/videos/v8018387kjKwTpj

Ron Perlman, Jason Statham, Ray Liotta, Burt Reynolds, and way too many more people all over-acting their asses off in a Dungeon Siege adaptation directed by Boll, simply brilliant.

Oh yeah, and music by Blind Guardian.
[Oct 31,2007 12:31am - boine ""]
fuck uwe boll someone needs to rape him to death
[Oct 31,2007 12:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Ray Liotta looks likea fuckin madman in this flick.
[Oct 31,2007 9:01pm - VoidExpression ""]
You know it. The hammiest Ray Liotta ever and Blind Guardian? It can't miss.
[Nov 3,2007 4:16am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Uwe Boll destroys everything he touches; he's like the King Midas of bad movies.
[Nov 3,2007 7:48am - SkinSandwich ""]
The face even his mother didn't love.


He is cool though, haha.:doublehorns:

[Nov 3,2007 10:56am - DrewBlood ""]
jesus h christ, this looks horrible. can someone please stop uwe boll?
[Nov 3,2007 11:54am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
hahaha even the voice narration is over-acting

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