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Happy Halloween

[Oct 31,2007 10:45am - Yeti ""]
[Oct 31,2007 11:08am - thuringwethil ""]
I'm wearing my devil horns at work
[Oct 31,2007 12:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i cant wait steal candy from children.
[Oct 31,2007 12:41pm - xmikex ""]
I have to staff this huge important faculty meeting today. I should have went to work as Leatherface or something
[Oct 31,2007 1:54pm - sacreligion ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:i cant wait steal candy from children.

[Oct 31,2007 2:07pm - Lamp ""]
Ah, Halloween. Another pointless day where I accomplish nothing.

[Oct 31,2007 3:04pm - archaeon ""]
highschool girls + halloween = HUGE win
[Oct 31,2007 3:13pm - yummy ""]
Lamp, stop being a pessimist. You can accomplish something. Get out of your house. It's opener out there in the wide open air. Dr. Seuss says so.
[Oct 31,2007 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
Lamp said:Ah, Halloween. Another pointless day where I accomplish nothing.


[Oct 31,2007 3:24pm - Lamp ""]
yummy said:Lamp, stop being a pessimist. You can accomplish something. Get out of your house. It's opener out there in the wide open air. Dr. Seuss says so.

New South Park's on tonight, too lazy aside from that.

Besides, I just wanted to quote Futurama anyway.
[Oct 31,2007 3:31pm - yummy ""]
Fair enough.
So the day really has nothing to do with it then...
I'm trick or treating soon enough. That's enough fun for me.
[Oct 31,2007 4:50pm - Dankill  ""]
[Oct 31,2007 5:20pm - Ryan_M ""]
[Oct 31,2007 5:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
if anyone tries to get candy from this house they are gonna get a face full of egg instead.

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