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Nova - Mars, Dead Or Alive

[Jan 4,2004 9:12pm - retzam ""]
Anyone watch this? A documentary (with really cool and sometimes funny computer animated simulations) about the Spirit and Oppurtunity projects. It was really interesting. An hour long but it seemed like less then a half hour, practically uninterupted by commercials.
[Jan 4,2004 10:17pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck, i've been so down with that stuff my whole life.
it's on at 2am.
Monday, 5 2:00 AM Nova: MARS Dead or Alive 2 WGBH
I'm going to record it.
[Jan 4,2004 11:55pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:fuck, i've been so down with that stuff my whole life.
it's on at 2am.
Monday, 5 2:00 AM Nova: MARS Dead or Alive 2 WGBH
I'm going to record it.

Sweet, maybe I will watch it again, wait, no I really don't feel like it. It is funny, the main scientist dude is such an asshole. He is so uptight.
[Jan 5,2004 3:00am - retzam ""]
Yep, so it should be almost over now...
[Jan 5,2004 7:35am - the_reverend ""]
my stupid computer didn't start it's digital vcr thing right.
so I missed it, but I think it's on again.
I'll have to set it up again
[Jan 5,2004 11:32am - succubus ""]
hmm no..it started all right i'm pretty sure because it turned on..but then you shut it off...so if it got cut off...that's what happened
[Jan 5,2004 11:51am - the_reverend ""]
no it didn't.
the thing turned on and went into some channel init thing that it's doing since I reinstalled that vcr program. it didn't start recording anything until this morning when I went and tried to see if it recorded and then it started.
[Jan 5,2004 1:08pm - retzam ""]
That sucks, you should have just stayed up and watched it.
[Jan 5,2004 1:15pm - the_reverend ""]
I fell asleep right when it came on.
[Jan 5,2004 1:17pm - retzam ""]
the_reverend said:I fell asleep right when it came on.

Simpson's hit and run takes a lot out of you.
[Jan 7,2004 10:51am - the_reverend ""]
f! it was on again last night at 3am, but I didn't wake to hit record.

I'll catch that bitch yet.
[Jan 7,2004 11:08pm - the_reverend ""]
about the 3-d pictures,
the daily show said something like "it's like it reaches out to bore you."
[Jan 8,2004 12:27am - BornSoVile ""]
Nova is quality programming. :bow:
[Jan 8,2004 2:20am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haha is this really a big attraction? I was flipping through the channels last night and actually caught the end of it. Pretty interesting.

Whatever happened to the NASA channel. I miss watching astronauts decompress in airlocks for 40 minutes before they go out on spacewalks.
[Jan 8,2004 2:22am - phantos ""]
it was on again tonight around 7pm...
[Jan 8,2004 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
I had the nasa channel in college.
that shit was amazingly boring.
it would be a satellite view of something with no sound for 30 minutes.
[Jan 8,2004 10:21am - succubus ""]
ok don't lose hope!
Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBH, Sat Jan 10 03:00am EST

• Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBHDT, Sat Jan 10 03:00am EST

• Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBX, Sat Jan 10 06:00pm EST

• Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBX, Sun Jan 11 02:00am EST

• Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBH, Sun Jan 11 04:00am EST

• Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBHDT, Sun Jan 11 04:00am EST
[Jan 8,2004 11:47am - phantos ""]
I bet they are avoiding this thingy like North Korea...
[Jan 8,2004 1:32pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
phantos said:I bet they are avoiding this thingy like North Korea...

haha I was thinking about that thing when I was watching it. Fuck that river valley landing site, go for the face!
[Jan 8,2004 4:11pm - retzam ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:phantos said:I bet they are avoiding this thingy like North Korea...

haha I was thinking about that thing when I was watching it. Fuck that river valley landing site, go for the face!

Yeah dude, I too was thinking about that. They didn't even mention it in the Nova presentation. It is sad that even if they do explore it and find out what it is, we won't know for sure. The government will keep that shit quiet like a girl with a knife to her throat being raped (sorry, I couldn't come up with anything better, any suggestions?).
[Jan 8,2004 4:12pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Quiet... as a mouse...
[Jan 8,2004 4:13pm - retzam ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Quiet... as a mouse...

No, I was trying to compare it to something being kept quiet, not something being quiet on its own accord.
[Jan 9,2004 1:24am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Quiet as a mouse with tape over it's mouth.
[Jan 9,2004 9:25am - the_reverend ""]
aren't there like 3 satillite's whizzing around that planet snapping pictures?
wonder what they've seen...
[Jan 9,2004 4:08pm - retzam ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Quiet as a mouse with tape over it's mouth.

yeah... i guess
[Jan 10,2004 9:40am - succubus ""]
succubus said:ok don't lose hope!
Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBH, Sat Jan 10 03:00am EST

• Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBHDT, Sat Jan 10 03:00am EST

• Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBX, Sat Jan 10 06:00pm EST

• Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBX, Sun Jan 11 02:00am EST

• Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBH, Sun Jan 11 04:00am EST

• Nova - "MARS Dead or Alive"
WGBHDT, Sun Jan 11 04:00am EST

did it record?
[Jan 10,2004 10:20am - the_reverend ""]
I was playing simpsons hit and run...
and then I came in at 3:45 and watch a couple minutes...
then I woke up watching clifford.

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