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decapitated drummer dies

[Nov 2,2007 6:58pm - sever nli  ""]
sorry if its a repost.

Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka - 1984-2007

Drummer Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka of the Polish extreme metal band DECAPITATED passed away in a Russian hospital from injuries sustained in a recent road collision. He was 23 years old.

Vitek and DECAPITATED singer Covan (real name: Adrian Kowanek) were hurt in an accident earlier in the week involving DECAPITATED's tour bus and a truck carrying wood in Gomel, on the Russia/Belarus border. Both musicians reportedly sustained serious head injuries in the collision, which is believed to have been the fault of the band's driver (although this has not yet been officially confirmed).

According to the Polish Internet portal Onet.pl, Vitek underwent trepanation, a form of surgery in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the skull, and was due to be transported to a hospital in Krakow, Poland for further treatment.

Covan's family released a statement yesterday (Thursday, November 1) that the vocalist's condition had improved. At the time, the vocalist was still said to be at a hospital in Novozybkov, Russia, where he and Vitek were taken following the accident.

[Nov 2,2007 7:07pm - dreadkill ""]
[Nov 2,2007 7:10pm - Dankill  ""]
That's horrible.
[Nov 2,2007 7:24pm - INFECT ""]
sever nli said:
According to the Polish Internet portal Onet.pl, Vitek underwent trepanation, a form of surgery in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the skull, and was due to be transported to a hospital in Krakow, Poland for further treatment.

what the fuck? they used to do that in the stone age in order to release evil spirits from the brain
i see ruskie medical technology hasnt progressed much since then
[Nov 2,2007 7:52pm - kessaris ""]
this is a procedure that is used to relieve stress on the brain when there is a lot of blood from a severe concussion. it's nothing out of the ordinary, I'm sure the doctors did all they could to save the guy. he probably would have died anyways. Don't blame the doctor, blame whoever was responcible for the accident.
[Nov 2,2007 8:29pm - fleshfries ""]
I'm so speechless at this. Decapitated is my favorite band, and I'm fairly sure Vogg was his brother...which means a replacement is not likely. This could be the end of the behemoth :(
[Nov 3,2007 3:25am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Do you know many decapitated drummers that lived? That shit's usually fatal, I don't care what they say on ER.
[Nov 3,2007 10:36am - niccolai ""]
INFECT said:

what the fuck? they used to do that in the stone age in order to release evil spirits from the brain

and in the current age to relieve pressure and prevent koenig.
[Nov 3,2007 10:37am - niccolai ""]
It would have been more fitting if he were actually decapitated in the accident.
[Nov 3,2007 11:01am - fleshfries ""]
niccolai said:It would have been more fitting if he were actually decapitated in the accident.

Why the hell does everybody say that? I don't think I've talked to one person about it without them saying "ERRRRR HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DECAPITATED DURRRRR"

Seriously...it's asinine.
[Nov 3,2007 11:19am - Uh ""]
fleshfries said:niccolai said:It would have been more fitting if he were actually decapitated in the accident.

Why the hell does everybody say that? I don't think I've talked to one person about it without them saying "ERRRRR HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DECAPITATED DURRRRR"

Seriously...it's asinine.

Check Dwyer's posts in the other thread.
[Nov 3,2007 11:23am - samson  ""]
This is hilarious!!!! One band down....rttp to go!!!
[Nov 3,2007 11:44am - dreadkill ""]
fleshfries said:niccolai said:It would have been more fitting if he were actually decapitated in the accident.

Why the hell does everybody say that? I don't think I've talked to one person about it without them saying "ERRRRR HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DECAPITATED DURRRRR"

Seriously...it's asinine.

hahahaha, yeah, i've heard this joke ad nauseum since news broke about the bus accident. you'd think people would realize by now that they weren't the first to think of it.
[Nov 3,2007 3:59pm - niccolai ""]
It's not really about joke originality here.

But thruely there would be no better death. Would you rather him die in his sleep at 70 from colon cancer in a pile of his own excrement? Don't think so.

Decapitation would be the most metal way to die possible.

Just like everyone from behemoth should be eaten by a giant monster and everyone from the faceless should die from botox complications.
[Nov 3,2007 6:53pm - ArrowHead likes Pie  ""]
niccolai said:
Would you rather him die in his sleep at 70 from colon cancer in a pile of his own excrement?

Yeah, you know what? I WOULD rather to see that. Better yet, I'm pretty sure his kid and his family would liked to have seen that too. Dying young has nothing to do with being metal. It's tragic, and people are suffering from the loss.

I really see nothing funny about it. If jokes make it easier on some people, that's fine. However, trying to justify your humor to the rest of us is senseless flailing.

[Nov 3,2007 7:30pm - craig nli  ""]
hey did you guys hear about the guy from death? he DIED! durrr
[Nov 3,2007 7:48pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Am I the only one who thinks it is hilarious that the people in these threads who are getting all butthurt and defensive about this dude dying....Are in other threads about someone else dying, DOING THE SAME THING?
[Nov 3,2007 8:30pm - niccolai ""]
Dwellingsickness said:Am I the only one who thinks it is hilarious that the people in these threads who are getting all butthurt and defensive about this dude dying....Are in other threads about someone else dying, DOING THE SAME THING?


That's how things go here.
[Nov 3,2007 8:32pm - RichHorror ""]
craig nli said:hey did you guys hear about the guy from death? he DIED! durrr

He should've seen that coming. Holy Lou Gehrig, Batman!
[Nov 4,2007 12:09am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
niccolai said:Dwellingsickness said:Am I the only one who thinks it is hilarious that the people in these threads who are getting all butthurt and defensive about this dude dying....Are in other threads about someone else dying, DOING THE SAME THING?


That's how things go here.

This is a sensitive metal board.
[Nov 4,2007 1:05am - Mike_Giallo ""]
[Nov 4,2007 1:11am - Lamp ""]
ArrowHead likes Pie said:Dying young has nothing to do with being metal. It's tragic, and people are suffering from the loss.

[Nov 4,2007 4:30am - thegreatspaldino ""]
when will people learn that this is probably the worst possible place to try to make "serious" news topics or any other kind of genuine thread. everything here will most likely turn into a "omg you are gay" fest or pedobear pictures and 2girls1cup. not that i really mind all that much, im just saying...
[Nov 4,2007 2:29pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
thegreatspaldino said:when will people learn that this is probably the worst possible place to try to make "serious" news topics or any other kind of genuine thread. everything here will most likely turn into a "omg you are gay" fest or pedobear pictures and 2girls1cup. not that i really mind all that much, im just saying...


pedobear makes everything better
[Nov 4,2007 2:29pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
[Nov 4,2007 11:59pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
see what im saying?
[Nov 5,2007 8:08am - guy  ""]
[Nov 5,2007 10:27am - rilly  ""]
dimebag's death was more relevant
[Nov 5,2007 10:29am - xanonymousx ""]
dude. get a life.
[Nov 5,2007 12:38pm - xanonymousx ""]
decapitated is an awesome band.
this is a big loss for everyone.
everyone has been dying lately.
[Nov 5,2007 12:48pm - rilly  ""]
you're next
[Nov 5,2007 12:54pm - brian_dc ""]
dimebag was well known for his ability to get shot to death
[Nov 5,2007 2:28pm - Lamp ""]
xanonymousx said:everyone has been dying lately.

[Nov 5,2007 2:44pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
brian_dc said:dimebag was well known for his ability to get shot to death

Hahahahahahaha, wow. I was not expecting that, especially from you, Brian. Amazing.
[Nov 5,2007 2:46pm - yummy ""]
I will say....that's pretty funny brian.
[Nov 5,2007 2:51pm - I_am_not_me ""]
He stole it from the Wikipedia page on Dimebag (It said that at one point.)
[Nov 5,2007 2:52pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Original or stolen, it was still fucking hilarious.
[Nov 5,2007 3:17pm - brian_dc ""]
I definitely stole it

I was hoping people would remember the reference
[Nov 5,2007 3:18pm - xanonymousx ""]
rilly said:you're next

would it be a different story if Justin Foley died? rilly?
[Nov 5,2007 4:00pm - fleshfries ""]
xanonymousx said:would it be a different story if Justin Foley died? rilly?

[Nov 5,2007 4:03pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Nov 5,2007 4:17pm - rilly  ""]
that's not even funny. And besides...This vitek guy isn't even in the same league. Only people on this board know who Vitek is and everyone else knows who justin is. Let's change topics here....
Who's goin to LOG and KsE this month. I cannot wait
[Nov 6,2007 10:38am - Yeti ""]
rilly has to be in Killswitch. there is no way anyone really likes them that much.
[Nov 6,2007 10:42am - rilly  ""]
Vitek is DEAD and he's never comin back. Justin Foley however Breathes Life!
[Nov 6,2007 10:45am - Yeti ""]
yeah, you're definitely in the band.
[Nov 6,2007 10:50am - rilly  ""]
Ha! I wish I was.
[Nov 6,2007 12:05pm - Mike_Giallo ""]

I bet if he had a less gay name he'd still be alive.
[Nov 6,2007 12:14pm - rilly  ""]
[Nov 6,2007 4:37pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
Yeti said:rilly has to be in Killswitch. there is no way anyone really likes them that much.

or a stupid troll
[Nov 6,2007 4:57pm - kessaris ""]
so, I noticed a lot of pieces of shit on this thread, thats pretty unfortunate
[Nov 9,2007 9:51am - the_reverend ""]
Decapitated myspace is now run by friends and family. Out of courtesy of the band and their fans, we are replying to all unread messages. If you have not heard the news, please view our page or look up Decapitated on www.blabbermouth.net.
As of now, all tours are cancelled.
Thankyou for your support.
[Nov 9,2007 10:01am - brian_dc ""]
god this sucks ass
[Nov 9,2007 3:36pm - NIGGER ""]

[Nov 9,2007 3:49pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
rilly said:Ha! I wish I was.

....so you're a wannabe? congratulations, loser.

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