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Death Metal'er opinion on Lamb of God as a band

[Nov 5,2007 3:14pm - snakes MF plane  ""]
Do you guys like them or hate them. Why or why not:doublehorns:
[Nov 5,2007 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
people should listen to what they want to listen to and not worry about what anyone thinks.
[Nov 5,2007 3:27pm - Ryan_M ""]
A lot of people that post here like lots of different kinds of music; a death metal fan who likes Lamb of God is nothing to get all bent out of shape about.
[Nov 5,2007 4:25pm - sacreligion ""]
[Nov 5,2007 4:29pm - brandon... ""]
I really dislike lamb of god, but not because im a deathmetal fan. Just because they are played out. and they dont really do anything for me.
[Nov 6,2007 5:01pm - German  ""]
Theyu are not metal at all, just the 21st century classic rock radio band of these day. Nothing that has not been done before, or in any genre!
[Nov 6,2007 5:14pm - Whoremastery ""]
i dig the one album i got...the riffs are fucking really good. The drummer is sick...the singer is the only thing that im not sure of. But I've seen them live many times and had alot of fun in the pit........
[Nov 6,2007 5:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
German said:Theyu are not metal at all, just the 21st century classic rock radio band of these day. Nothing that has not been done before, or in any genre!

does that mean Black Sabbath and G&R arnt metal? i've heard them on classic rock station many times.

[Nov 6,2007 5:58pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Funny story....
My brother went to work one day to find a Lamb of God cd in the trash early in the a.m. as he arrived. At the time he worked with this guy from Africa who is a real religious dude and is all into gospel. The poor guy ordered the cd online assuming that by their name they were some sort of gospel band.
[Nov 6,2007 6:07pm - brandon... ""]
lol that is pretty funny.
[Nov 6,2007 6:39pm - Whoremastery ""]
that guys a retard!
[Nov 6,2007 6:48pm - Hoser ""]
What does their diet consist of?
[Nov 6,2007 7:06pm - German  ""]
Really G& R were never metal..glam rock or just crap and Black Sabbath did not set out to be metal, but fell into the genre when the metal name was used to catagorize music...Stupid!!
[Nov 6,2007 10:45pm - tylerl ""]
lamb of god is tighter than a nun's cooch live
[Nov 6,2007 10:49pm - streetfaggot  ""]
I dig this band. They can be kinda boring but they're good overall.
[Nov 7,2007 2:13am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
German said:Really G& R were never metal..glam rock or just crap and Black Sabbath did not set out to be metal, but fell into the genre when the metal name was used to catagorize music...Stupid!!

metal is what donkeys do when they eat forks and dodge giant midgets
[Nov 7,2007 8:35am - theaccurseddrummer ""]
Can't say that I hate Lamb of God really, they're OK at what they do. Pantera Lite or whatever, that's cool with me, someone's gotta do it. I really dig Chris Adler though. He's a solid drummer and all, nothing insanely technical or impossible, but more because of his approach toward drumming. I've read several interviews with the guy and seen his clips from the Modern Drummer Festival, and he seems like a down to earth dude who doesn't take his success for granted, and hands out a great message for younger drummers to play to the best of their ability and not carry around a drumometer all day trying to break speed records. I thought that was kinda cool. I really liked Ashes of the Wake, but the other stuff is OK too.

Oh, and HTB, your story is fucking awesome.
[Nov 7,2007 8:46am - largefreakatzero ""]
Lamb of God is horrible. That is all.
[Nov 7,2007 9:21am - the_reverend ""]
all of the guys from LOG are awesome dudes. I believe it was chris's gf that some how found out that carina was having some "women issues" and myspace'd her about it.

The first time I met randy, the singer, I just said something like "my name's aaron and I run return to the pit" and nothing more. He was obviously drunk. Probably 6-months later, I meet him again passing through the barricade at the palladium and say "hi, I'm..." and he cuts me off "yeah, you are aaron from return to the pit". That guy is super good with name's I guess.
[Nov 7,2007 10:38am - Yeti ""]
i really like As the Palaces Burn and Ashes of the Wake, but not really anything else. well i do like Burn the Priest. New American Gospel does nothing for me, his voice is so fucking annoying, and Sacrament was a joke. they put on a great live show.
[Nov 7,2007 3:34pm - brandon... ""]
yea i think if they had a differnt vocalist it would be a bit better.
[Nov 7,2007 6:54pm - yummy ""]
They're mediocre at best. They can play their instruments but boring.
[Nov 7,2007 7:15pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I had the displeasure of watching a Lamb of God DVD a while back...

Tight and catchy at times but generally boring with bad vocals...

At one point in the DVD the singer is all hammered and starting shit with the other guys in the band and one of them knocks him out...it's fucking great.
[Nov 7,2007 8:43pm - yummy ""]
I saw that DVD too. I think him getting knocked out was the best part. I found myself skipping the music and being more interested in what they did while off stage.
[Nov 7,2007 9:13pm - Dankill  ""]
I like LOG and I'll second that the guys are really nice. Randy remembered me after we hung out in an alley in Providence drinkin' and eatin sushi before the played the fuckin Met Cafe. Later on, they played the Palladium and when I brought a case of beer due to a rumor of beer shortages, Randy had me chill on their bus and remembered hanging out in Providence almost a year before hand. They were all really nice guys and shot the shit for a good while.
[Nov 7,2007 10:46pm - phillip ""]
the song with Steve Austin on NAG is fucking awesome!
and As the Palaces Burn has some pretty killer tracks
other then that Im not fan
I used to like them alot a few years ago
[Nov 8,2007 9:44am - neverpurified ""]
I enjoy them. I think they were at their best with Palaces, but Ashes and Sacrament were both good records; and NAG was really good too
[Nov 8,2007 9:54am - theaccurseddrummer ""]
I'd like to check out that DVD, I've heard the music quality's terrible but that it's got some really funny shit on it.
[Nov 8,2007 9:58am - brian_dc ""]
band with solid riffs

vocals haven't been sweet since the first album

wish they weren't trying to be the next pantera...but it's cool I guess.
[Nov 8,2007 10:35am - Yeti ""]
theaccurseddrummer said:I'd like to check out that DVD, I've heard the music quality's terrible but that it's got some really funny shit on it.

if you watch it on a 5.1 set up, the sound quality is incredible. but yeah watching Mark Morton beat Randy's face in is the best part.
[Nov 8,2007 11:26am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Burn the Priest > Lamb of God
[Nov 8,2007 11:44pm - pigsportrit  ""]
Lamb of God is a band that fucking ran shit 4 years last post burn the priest he knows but i do think they came to a point where, they developed a switch and a point where they can pull the trigger and either lose some gain more, gain more keep the others questioning. American Gospel how can you change to their new new shit get fucked
[Nov 9,2007 10:38am - Yeti ""]
me lose brain? uh oh.

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