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The Mist

[Nov 6,2007 10:44am - thuringwethil ""]

I just re-read the novella, it's been a while since I was really into Stephen King but this shit IS GRUESOME. Total HP Lovecraft worship.

Utter Carnage in the novella.

I wonder how it will translate, it looks like it's in good hands (director of Shawshank Redemption)
[Nov 6,2007 10:45am - Yeti ""]
hopefully this will be what The Fog wanted to be.
[Nov 6,2007 10:49am - thuringwethil ""]
no comparison. The Fog had ghosts from a ship. *shudder*

The Mist has giant spiders with webs of acid and hunger for human flesh. And they're the NICE part.
[Nov 6,2007 10:51am - thuringwethil ""]
Mrs. Carmody (the Jesus freak) is worse than any of the monsters outside.
[Nov 6,2007 10:52am - rilly  ""]
Should I spoil the ending for you guys? Creepy
House on Haunted Hill scared me very badly.
[Nov 6,2007 11:05am - thuringwethil ""]
well at any rate I'm wondering who else has read the book
[Nov 6,2007 11:08am - narkybark ""]
I have, but so long ago I don't remember too much. I do remember that it was a great story.
[Nov 6,2007 11:22am - thuringwethil ""]
worth revisiting. and I do mean HUMAN CARNAGE. Poor Ollie has the worst death of all, and he saved the fuckin' little kid. No good deed goes unpunished.
[Nov 6,2007 11:24am - lbpvd  ""]
the last couple steven king movies sucked (1408, desperation) i have high hopes for this one.
[Nov 6,2007 11:29am - demondave ""]

I loved the story the Mist when I was a kid. I read it a few times, and I remember it pretty well. I think I'll read it again, but after the movie.

[Nov 6,2007 11:33am - punk potenza  ""]
they should make a movie out of that book cell it was pretty good
[Nov 6,2007 11:41am - thuringwethil ""]
Eli Roth (Hostel) is gonna direct Cell.

[Nov 6,2007 12:41pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
thuringwethil said:Eli Roth (Hostel) is gonna direct Cell.


Didn't they just make "the pulse" which is exactly the same?
[Nov 6,2007 12:44pm - Yeti ""]
i'll have to read this. i'm right in the middle of "It".
[Nov 6,2007 1:19pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
it's a great story of how people either band together or turn on one another when under great stress, in a catastrophe with no precedent

think 9/11
[Nov 6,2007 1:27pm - Yeti ""]
The Thing
[Nov 6,2007 1:39pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
Yeti said:The Thing

yes, indeed :doublehorns:
[Nov 6,2007 1:49pm - aaron_michael ""]
definitely one of my favorite short stories by King.
unfortunately, I'm sure the movie is going to blow.
[Nov 6,2007 2:13pm - deadlikemurf ""]
the mist is one of my favorites as well... if the trailer is any indication of the movie then it's gonna fucking rule.

cell was good too.. i'm interested to see how closely roth follows the book...
[Nov 6,2007 2:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thuringwethil said:Eli Roth (Hostel) is gonna direct Cell.


fuck yes...that book was amazing. i still feel uncomfortable having a cellphone because of it.
[Nov 6,2007 4:06pm - punk potenza  ""]
yea i liked the cell totaly when i got into the middle of the book how the crazy phone peopel start to change kinda threw me off but by the end of the book i was all bout it def a nice twist on a zombie type book. has anyone read any jack ketchum book he is a fuckin amazing author
[Nov 6,2007 5:37pm - MikePile  ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:
fuck yes...that book was amazing. i still feel uncomfortable having a cellphone because of it.>>

hahaha, i'll never be able to stop laughing at this
[Nov 6,2007 7:26pm - Dankill  ""]
I read the mist years ago. I don't remember much.
[Nov 14,2007 11:57pm - thuringwethil ""]

man, am I psyched for this.

fuck your god.
[Nov 15,2007 12:06am - NIGGER ""]



[Nov 15,2007 12:07am - thuringwethil ""]
holy shit, there's some crazy-ass debate over the ending to this film over at IMDB


It sounds like a cool ending though. I don't like happy ones. I like when the bad guys win, like in "Arlington Road"
[Nov 19,2007 2:25pm - thuringwethil ""]
B+ in Entertainment Weekly.

you guys REALLY gotta read the book though. GREAT horror story.
[Nov 19,2007 2:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
thuringwethil said:

It sounds like a cool ending though. I don't like happy ones. I like when the bad guys win, like in "Arlington Road"

you could not be more right. i think i need to go watch that now.
[Nov 19,2007 3:25pm - ariavette ""]
lbpvd said:the last couple steven king movies sucked (1408, desperation) i have high hopes for this one.

yeah 1408 was dissapointing, i was expecting alot more terror
[Nov 19,2007 9:23pm - Dankill  ""]
I re-read the story last week. I had forgetten how SOLID this was. Classic King also giving huge props to Lovecraft at the same time. Based on the trailers, I looks like they stayed very faithful to the story while expanding on it enough to make a 200+ page novella cover an hour 1/2 to two hour movie.

Seriously, this really looks good.
[Nov 20,2007 2:55am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
It was my first and last stephen king book, awesome story (because it was Lovecraftian) but man can this guy not write. So many times I stopped and was lik e"I can't believe he said it like that"

like Dan Miller introduces himself like this "And then he came up to us 'hi, I'm dan Miller I'm from Lynn, MA, i live there but summer here!'"

like anyone introduces themselves like that.

Anyways, I love the ending the book and hope they keep it that way.
[Nov 20,2007 8:36am - thuringwethil ""]
they don't have the same ending


it's a downer apparently

cool with me, I like endings where everyone's pretty much fucked, like in Clive Barker's short story "Pig Blood Blues"
[Nov 20,2007 9:32am - aaron_michael ""]
thuringwethil said:they don't have the same ending


it's a downer apparently

cool with me, I like endings where everyone's pretty much fucked, like in Clive Barker's short story "Pig Blood Blues"

The ending is kind of a downer anyways with them taking off to CT.

I'm hoping they show the scene after the market, where they're driving down the street and have to stop because of the giant creature walking over their car.
I'd be really impressed if they made the dino-like monster the way I've invisioned it since I was 12
[Nov 20,2007 11:08am - thuringwethil ""]
they have the big dino in there, definitely

It would've been silly to exclude the coolest monster from the movie

I wonder about Ollie's death though. In the book he meets a pretty bad end.
[Nov 20,2007 12:51pm - Yeti ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:but man can this guy not write.

Apu friend me good.
[Nov 20,2007 12:59pm - aaron_michael ""]
thuringwethil said:they have the big dino in there, definitely

It would've been silly to exclude the coolest monster from the movie

I wonder about Ollie's death though. In the book he meets a pretty bad end.

I'm just assuming you've seen it, so, the ultimate question: how's the acting?
[Nov 20,2007 1:08pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
I actually haven't seen it, just a few clips but I was impressed so far.
[Nov 21,2007 2:58am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I'm actually going to see this in the closet movie theater not in Lynn. AKA Revere, to see if all the Lynn folk get up and go "woo" like stereotypical black people when Dan Miller introduces himself. That is if he uses the same intro he does in the book.. There's no way they can exclude his character, he was pretty important.
[Nov 21,2007 7:54am - thuringwethil ""]
yes, especially for spider munchies!

I'm going tonight after work, haven't been this psyched for a horror movie in a while
[Nov 21,2007 8:03am - Hungtableed  ""]
eeeeeuugghgh, the book is better than the eeeeeuugghuh movie. the jesus freak is eeeeeuugghgh the worst eeeeuugghgh charater in the novella...Christians to eeeeeuugghgh lions eeeeeuugghgh.
[Nov 21,2007 8:04am - thuringwethil ""]
I dunno if there were any lions in the mist. But there was a pterodactyl or two.
[Nov 21,2007 8:20am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
any torrents up for this movie yet?
[Nov 21,2007 9:43pm - thuringwethil ""]

the audience was clearly pissed off at the ending but I thought it ruled, appropriate for a horror movie.

The soundtrack rules too, I'm gonna seek.
[Nov 21,2007 9:46pm - thuringwethil ""]
also I noticed a lot of the death scenes were adapted pretty faithfully from the book (he even made up some good new ones)
[Nov 22,2007 12:00am - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
I saw this tonight, and I have to say I wasn't totally let down!
The acting was actually really good, and the lack of background music through 70 percent of it was a nice touch.
The CGI could kiss my asshole. I really don't think they'll perfect imagery like that within the next 5 years.
The movie held true to the book for the most part, except for the ending, which is definitely the most grim turn I've seen in a movie in a long long time.
I give The Mist a solid B-
[Nov 22,2007 3:12am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
It's been so misty lately, I've really been in the mood for this movie
[Nov 22,2007 3:24am - sean ""]
punk potenza said:they should make a movie out of that book cell it was pretty good

Wasn't Cell that crappy J-Lo movie where she goes into the mind of a serial killer?
[Nov 22,2007 9:23am - thuringwethil ""]
sean said:punk potenza said:they should make a movie out of that book cell it was pretty good

Wasn't Cell that crappy J-Lo movie where she goes into the mind of a serial killer?

That was THE Cell. But I liked the part with the intestines being unravelled ('naughty worm...')
[Nov 22,2007 9:55am - thuringwethil ""]
aaron michaelNLI said:
The movie held true to the book for the most part, except for the ending, which is definitely the most grim turn I've seen in a movie in a long long time.

what did you think of Mrs. Carmody's portrayal? the actress made her scarier than in the book even, she did a really good job.

Especially that last scene with the showdown. She's just sitting there with a butcher's knife, like a queen on her throne, waiting for them to try an escape.

I'd see this movie again.

[Nov 22,2007 12:37pm - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
I liked her role, but I always envisioned her being older. Like, MUCH older. The people in the audience actually clapped when she met her demise. The woman who played her usually does a good job wwith the roles she's offered, so I had no doubt it would have been convincing.
[Nov 22,2007 6:11pm - thuringwethil ""]
yeah they clapped and totally cheered when she was shot in my audience too.

some black families had their little kids there, I was aghast, like WTF, why would you bring your KIDS to this film?!?
[Nov 23,2007 12:22am - sever ""]
Ive never been disturbed by a movie. Ever.

Now I am.
[Nov 23,2007 12:56am - Dankill  ""]
Yes, there was much delight from the crowd when Mrs. Carmody got smoked.
Great movie.
The ending looked like it was gonna be a downer and then twisted you even MORE and became a depressing ending you did not see coming.
[Nov 23,2007 8:12am - thuringwethil ""]
hmm, I wondered how the critics would react, for the most part the reviews are favorable. Cool!

By Tom Charity
Special to CNN

(CNN) -- It's the end of the world -- again!

Doomsday scenarios have become a familiar sight in the movies since the beginning of the Cold War, and for the most part, "Stephen King's The Mist," from a King novella, sticks closely to the archetype.

That's not a problem. If you've seen writer-director Frank Darabont's films (including two King adaptations, "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile," that earned him Oscar nominations), you'll know he's an old-time Hollywood classicist at heart. It's his ability to reinvest these familiar strains with meaning that's impressive.

David Drayton (Thomas Jane, who holds the screen effortlessly here) is with his son at the grocery store when the fog rolls in, and with it a terrified and bleeding local, yelling how there's something nasty in the mist.

The market is busy -- people are restocking after a big storm -- and an alarm cuts through the building like a chill. It sounds like a bomb warning; the sound you might hear in the event of an attack. A man rushes out to his car, but no sooner has he been swallowed up by the mist than he lets rip a blood-curdling scream. Nobody's eager to follow in his footsteps.

As is traditional in this kind of story the phones are dead, so the good people of Castle Rock are on their own. Curiously, they're not much concerned that the mist itself might be toxic -- surely the most rational explanation. It's only when a giant, grasping tentacle slides into the loading bay that they begin to appreciate the true nature of the threat -- and even then, those shoppers who missed the show have a hard time buying it.

Never a filmmaker to run when he can walk, Darabont lets the horror build through unease, incredulity and mounting suggestion. Cannily, he keeps Mark Isham's score in his back pocket, and reaches for it sparingly. In one of his best bits, a volunteer ties a rope around his waist and ventures into the unknown. Darabont stays fixed in the store and lets the pull on the rope tell the story. Pure suspense.

When the monsters do reveal themselves, the CGI work is seamless and properly repellent, but don't worry yourself about where they come from or why. Darabont's focus is always squarely on the humans, who quickly splinter into competing factions reflecting their own racial, class and educational prejudices.

The mental mist that clouds everyone's judgment is the real theme of the story: denial, frustration, despair, and enough reckless courage to keep the body count going up. And when it comes to scary, Marcia Gay Harden's born-again proselytizer is fearsome enough to convince Drayton and his clique to take their chances with the beasties.

Pleasingly tight in scale (Darabont brought over the production team from TV's "The Shield"), "The Mist" shoots itself in the foot with a couple of clumsy episodes. I'll accept giant tentacles, but it's hard to believe that Drayton can't convince the townfolk to go take a peek at the evidence. Stalwart character actors Toby Jones, William Sadler and Frances Sternhagen make strong impressions, but Harden's religious rapture sucks all the air out of the room (it's always hard to make fundamentalists seem credible). A belated attempt to "humanize" a younger couple rings hollow and might have been cut.

"The Mist" is far from perfect, and it's woefully humorless. But such reservations have to be weighed against a mind-blowing ending, so bold I can hardly believe Darabont got away with it. Don't they test-screen movies any more?

"The Mist" may not be Oscar bait, but it's a horror movie of real conviction. It deserves to be a hit.
[Nov 23,2007 8:53am - aaron_michael ""]
Is there a link to this movie online yet? I kind of want to see it again.
[Nov 23,2007 9:19am - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
I don't know, I'm in the Mac minority and have never seen a whole movie online
[Nov 23,2007 2:08pm - Hungtableed  ""]
I'm surprised the critics didn't say "eeeeeeggghgh, the Jesus freak ruined the movie, eeeeegghgh, she was worse than the fucking spiders"
[Nov 23,2007 3:34pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
a lot people on IMDB.com are split about the ending, but I liked it. It was way grim.
[Nov 23,2007 10:05pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
the ending was the only part not true, oh and norton being black
[Nov 25,2007 3:14am - Jimmy Justice  ""]
I've never been as satisfied walking out of the theaters as I was tonight. Easily, the best movie i've seen in theaters. A+ all the way. 2nd best ending to any movie I've ever seen.
[Nov 26,2007 11:09am - brandon... ""]
Just saw the movie last night, I thought it was great. My only two complaints are the acting in the begining was awful, and at the end where the fuck did the mist go??? And did anyone else find it funny when they were telling norton not to go they offered fried chicken???
[Nov 26,2007 9:30pm - thuringwethil ""]
Bummer, only 13 mil box office gross so far.
Guess I'd better go see it again...
[Nov 26,2007 9:52pm - Hungtableed  ""]
My shlong smells.
[Nov 26,2007 10:06pm - thuringwethil ""]
I guess that creepy music at the end while they're driving away from the supermarket is Dead Can Dance
[Nov 26,2007 10:10pm - thuringwethil ""]
"The Host of Seraphim" off of Dead Can Dance's 'Wake' - a best of comp

mmm-kay, cool
[Nov 26,2007 10:20pm - NIGGER ""]
thuringwethil at the library said:I don't know, I'm in the Mac minority and have never seen a whole movie online



[Nov 26,2007 10:29pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Jul 5,2016 5:12am - Adolf  ""]
[Jul 5,2016 5:26am - Garrison  ""]
[Jul 5,2016 5:32am - John Tutor  ""]
[Jul 5,2016 5:35am - Yakub  ""]
*robs bank*
[Jul 5,2016 5:36am - Anigger  ""]
*sucks teeth*
[Jul 5,2016 5:40am - John Tutor  ""]
Hello people of 2007. We come in peace. We're here to tell you that Hillary Clinton will try to become the president. You must stop her at all cost.
This might sound weird, but Trump is going to run for president and you have to support him. The future rests on you.
[Jul 5,2016 5:41am - Adolf  ""]
>2007 was nine fucking years ago

My God where does the time go

All those dead forums...
[Jul 5,2016 5:41am - Rosie O'Donnell  ""]
before that you gotta deal with a nigger in the white house for 8 fucken years
[Jul 5,2016 5:46am - Ronald Reagan the actor  ""]
[Jul 5,2016 5:47am - Muh dick  ""]
I'm jealous of all yall niggas bein in 2007 and shit.
[Jul 5,2016 5:52am - Me  ""]
Hey 22 year old me, keep doin what your doin in 9 years you are going to be a very successful shitposter
[Jul 5,2016 5:59am - you  ""]
this is your my now
[Jul 5,2016 6:00am - John Tutor  ""]
Does anyone even post on this site anymore?
I think if they did they would have re-designed it. This looks like shit.

We should take over.
[Jul 5,2016 6:22am - ObixNood  ""]
We must secure a future for future /pol/ generations. It is hereby I declare annexation of this defunct site and the establishment of a /pol/ony. Leafs and Australians are NOT welcome.
[Jul 5,2016 6:29am - John Tutor  ""]
[Jul 5,2016 6:31am - John Tutor  ""]

[Jul 5,2016 6:32am - John Tutor  ""]

[Jul 5,2016 6:33am - John Tutor  ""]

[Jul 5,2016 6:33am - John Tutor  ""]

[Jul 5,2016 6:35am - Gay nigga  ""]
[Jul 5,2016 6:40am - John Tutor  ""]
WE DONE IT BOIS :shocked::shocked::shocked: 
[Jul 5,2016 6:47am - :HUMP: BENIS  ""]
[Jul 5,2016 6:50am - :HUMP: BENIS  ""]
[Jul 5,2016 8:30am - RTTP Department of Noticing Shit  ""]
hey, that rhymes with "penis"

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