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CD pressing?

[Nov 9,2007 11:56am - Troll ""]
Any one know of a decent priced CD duplication/printing co. that deals with short runs?
[Nov 9,2007 1:56pm - CNV  ""]
If your doing short runs your better off just getting a bunch of cdr's ...
[Nov 9,2007 1:57pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 9,2007 7:25pm - Troll ""]
Yea cool, I found that link this morning in another thread that you posted in. Seems like a good deal.

I don't care what they say about you Dwyer.....Your alright. ;)
[Nov 9,2007 7:41pm - Kinslayer  ""]
you're**** !!!!!

And yeah, Evan from DGR Inc is the man. Death Gasm released the Horn of Valere CD.
[Nov 9,2007 7:45pm - fleshfries ""]

I always thought these looked like good prices. Just enter random numbers for the source code.

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