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South Park 1114: the list?

[Nov 15,2007 10:03pm - the_reverend ""]
on now.
[Nov 15,2007 10:05pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
a weak episode
[Nov 15,2007 10:06pm - the_reverend ""]
the kicking in bawls part was hilarious.
[Nov 15,2007 10:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this episode does not sparkle with the reverend
[Nov 15,2007 10:53pm - fleshfries ""]
It was alright....bullshit ending though.
[Nov 16,2007 12:31am - Lamp ""]
I dunno...I thought it was pretty funny.
[Nov 16,2007 12:50am - the_reverend ""]
it was good, but not AS good as they have been.
I have a feeling that in like 10 years, this one will be a lot funnier while other ones, not so much.
[Nov 16,2007 1:28am - phillip ""]
I really liked the throwbacks in the episode

Kenny dying
Stan throwing up one Wendy's face
[Nov 16,2007 3:38am - screwy ""]
I'm kind of so-so on this season. I miss the simple, silly days of South Park, where they didn't try to make everything so epic and complex. These days there's too much plot and not enough jokes.

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