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Nuke Darfur!

[Nov 16,2007 5:39pm - Troll ""]
aaaaaaaaaaaaand go!
[Nov 16,2007 5:40pm - the_reverend ""]
the disney character?
[Nov 16,2007 5:42pm - Troll ""]
sure, whatever
[Nov 16,2007 5:43pm - Troll ""]
What are your thoughts on Darfur Mr. Reverend pee pee less?
[Nov 16,2007 5:44pm - Troll ""]
Ok, nice.
[Nov 16,2007 5:44pm - Troll ""]
thanx for sharing!

[Nov 16,2007 5:45pm - jimtom  ""]
i know a fellow who i chat with on IRC who usually goes by the name 'darfur.'
[Nov 16,2007 5:48pm - Troll ""]
O~k.....Good, now we're getting somewhere!
[Nov 16,2007 5:48pm - Troll ""]
Does your friend Rock?
[Nov 16,2007 5:48pm - Troll ""]
Does he Rock Darfur?
[Nov 16,2007 5:49pm - sacreligion ""]
nah, just steal russia's "father of all bombs" so there's no fallout
[Nov 16,2007 5:54pm - the_reverend ""]
I think this comes down to a typical genocide vs raping/hacking of limbs. where do you sit on the issue? no fence sitting.
[Nov 16,2007 5:57pm - sacreligion ""]
i haven't followed the darfur situation enough to say anything of merit. i hope it's not some "behind the scenes" situation where a few benefit from the death of many
[Nov 16,2007 5:58pm - The Ghost of Joseph Stalin  ""]
sacreligion said:nah, just steal russia's "father of all bombs" so there's no fallout


I like this...this Rock Darfur....I will Rock Darfur very much yes! :nuke:

[Nov 16,2007 6:02pm - Troll ""]
the_reverend said:I think this comes down to a typical genocide vs raping/hacking of limbs. where do you sit on the issue? no fence sitting.

.....I dare not share my thoughts with Joseph present for fear of the gulags!
[Nov 16,2007 6:06pm - sacreligion ""]
ghosts?! what is this amateur hour?
[Nov 16,2007 6:08pm - Troll ""]
[Nov 17,2007 12:30am - NIGGER ""]

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