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most intense beer pong game ever

[Nov 17,2007 3:50pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Nov 17,2007 3:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Intense, brah.
[Nov 17,2007 5:02pm - handinjury ""]
I have never played this game, looks like something interesting to do vs. standing around drinking . One morning I was coming home from breakfast Around 11am, and my neighbors were playing beer pong. I thought it was kind of odd being 11am, and they look my age(29) or older, with the beer pong setup on the their front lawn.
[Nov 17,2007 5:55pm - the_reverend ""]
and this ended in death?
[Nov 17,2007 6:12pm - sxealex ""]
what a boring video
[Nov 17,2007 6:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya that was painfully boring.
[Nov 17,2007 8:42pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
well its 500 cups on each side... it wasnt so much as i was trying to floor you all by an action packed video... it was more for fans of the game...i wanna try doing something like that at some point....
[Nov 18,2007 1:59am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Flip cup > Beer pong
[Nov 18,2007 2:01am - sxealex ""]
i think a picture would have sufficed or like a 6 frame gif...
[Nov 18,2007 12:29pm - yummy ""]
I'd rather drink while a girl is play pong with my balls.
[Nov 18,2007 3:16pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
My favorite drinking game is Drink The Beer. You just stand/sit around and drink beer and listen to music with a bunch of your friends and some funny shit usually happens, everybody wins.

Drinking games are stupid.
[Nov 18,2007 4:20pm - horror_tang ""]
It's 4:20 and you are stupid.
[Nov 18,2007 4:21pm - RichHorror ""]
Mike can't be stupid. He's not polish.
[Nov 18,2007 4:21pm - horror_tang ""]
And what makes you so Polish?
[Nov 18,2007 4:24pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm the smartest person that's ever lived. I invented the wheel and the missionary position.
[Nov 18,2007 4:25pm - horror_tang ""]
I am locked in the bathroom preying for help. My wife has a spray can of Polish remover and threatening to use it.
[Nov 18,2007 4:26pm - RichHorror ""]
You know what I like to do for fun while drinking beer? GET DRUNK.
[Nov 18,2007 4:27pm - horror_tang ""]
[Nov 18,2007 4:30pm - horror_tang ""]
[Nov 18,2007 5:45pm - Ryan_M ""]
Mike_Giallo said:My favorite drinking game is Drink The Beer. You just stand/sit around and drink beer and listen to music with a bunch of your friends and some funny shit usually happens, everybody wins.

Drinking games are stupid.

This statement could not be more correct.

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