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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Blue.
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[QUOTE="Blue:687629"]*This is for serious amp enthusiasts only* I just wanted to see if I could get a few people interested here (brian, fish, nick, kessaris?). im going, it should be a great time. its only 20 bucks too and you get to play an assload of amps you've probably never played, along with have people check out your shit. the location will be JamStage, a high-quality rehearsal studio located in Pawtucket, RI. the time will be from 1PM to 5PM. directions are available on the website for JamStage (i advise clicking on the Google Earth link) food & drink, at this point, will be entirely up to members. if we want to arrange something, we could, and i believe they're okay with beer up to a point (aka as long as we're not drinking excessively). they do have vending machines and provide free coffee there. payment, to begin, is $20, but if we have enough attendees (above 17), that number will drop. i've already made the deposit to reserve the room, and will be paying in the end, so i'll be accepting the payment. it'll be $10 up front (preferably paypalled to bullhead242@yahoo.com or we could arrange something else via PM) and the balance will be paid on the 1st. of course, anyone is welcome to pay the full amount up front, and if the price drops below $20 a head, i'll refund your money on the date. it's absolutely no problem if people want to come but don't have anything to bring with them, or if you bring non-forumites, all are welcome also, if you paypal the money but don't want to share your real name, that's no problem, just let me know. if anyone has anything even resembling a question about any of this info, absolutely feel free to contact me by PM or by e-mail. here's what really matters, the list of who's coming and the gear AMPS (WHO IT BELONGS TO) EVH 5150III (provided) Mesa Dual Rectifier (provided) Mesa Lonestar 2x12 combo (provided) Voodoo Amps CP50 (bullhead) Valvetech VAC22 (AtarisPunk29) VHT Deliverance 60 Head (Rindgecore) Fender Prosonic Head (Rindgecore) Marshall 1960B w/75s/Hellatone 60Ls (Rindgecore) Mesa Stiletto Ace 1x12 w/ KT77s (FumbleFingers) Fender Super-Sonic Head w/ reverb (FumbleFingers) Engl Savage 120 (FalseRevRG) Ampeg VH-150 (FalseRevRG) Ampeg V-412TL loaded with two CL80s and two Warehouse CL80 clones (FalseRevRG) Peavey Rock Master (FalseRevRG) ENGLPowerball/V1 (magh8) Vader412 (magh8) ISP VectorSL (magh8) GUITARS (WHO IT BELONGS TO) G&L Legacy (AtarisPunk29) Fender MIM Strat w/Fralin pickups (AtarisPunk29) Ibanez RG7620 w/ Dimarzio Evo & Air Norton pickups (Rindgecore) Carvin DC747C (Rindgecore) Suhr Classic Strat (FumbleFingers) Heritage 20th Anniv H-535 (FumbleFingers) B.C. Rich USA Gunslinger: Joe Barden HB and S-Standard (FalseRevRG) B.C. Rich USA Warlock: Joe Barden HB set (FalseRevRG) Schecter C-7 Blackjack: Seymour Duncan Custom 7 and '59 7 (FalseRevRG) 1985 Jackson soloist w/Kahler (magh8) 1986 Charvelmodel6 w/Kahler (magh8) Charvel model 88 (magh8) EFFECTS (WHO IT BELONGS TO) Monsterpiece NPN (bullhead) Electro-Harmonix Stereo Memory Man(AtarisPunk29) EH Holy Grail Reverb (FumbleFingers) Mesa V-Twin Version 2 (FumbleFingers) ISPDecimatorRackG (magh8) if you're seriously interested, feel free to reply.[/QUOTE]
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