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Share a practice space in Lowell?

[Nov 19,2007 11:10pm - ZJD ""]
My band just got a practice space in Lowell, but they other band we were thinking was going to share it backed out and now we are kind of a little bit fucked.
It's $350 a month total, and my band has three members. Our guitarist has another band with one drummer, so 4 people are currently splitting this rent.
I don't remember the name (we just got it and our bass player sort of handles stuff) but it's on Rock Street (I believe),pretty small building (i.e. not a huge complex with a million bands), no stairs to move shit up, is open 24hrs, and has a bunch of security cameras.

Paying more money than I want to sucks so respond ASAP if you're interested.
[Nov 20,2007 3:09pm - ZJD ""]
[Nov 20,2007 5:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
Check yer IM's I have a friend interested.
[Nov 20,2007 7:40pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Interested. We're in Westford now so Lowell wouldn't be bad. I know that space. I believe they have a conveyor belt for gear?
[Nov 21,2007 4:49pm - dyingmuse ""]
Bump, still wondering.
[Nov 21,2007 4:56pm - sxealex nli  ""]
BlackoutRick said:I believe they have a conveyor belt for gear?

Every 8th piece of equipment goes into the *secret room*
[Nov 21,2007 9:35pm - ZJD ""]
I don't believe there is a conveyor belt. I should have put this in the original post, but if you're interested, send a myspace message to us at our page, http://www.myspace.com/spacetrain . That way our bassist, who knows more about the place than me, can maybe handle things.
[Nov 23,2007 1:07am - ZJD ""]
[Nov 27,2007 4:57pm - ZJD ""]
mn nklmnmk

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