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Penises.....are you cut or not?

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[Nov 30,2007 8:20pm - Hoser ""]
Just wondering which of you I would consider dating....
[Nov 30,2007 8:30pm - pam ""]
I lost my penis in a freak circumcision accident.
[Nov 30,2007 8:33pm - Hoser ""]
That kinda blows....good to see you're back beautiful. Your husband is a lucky man, and I owe you a huge congratulations for errr.....you know.

Good to see you back....I need more people to offend.
[Nov 30,2007 9:07pm - yummy ""]
Which ones do you go for Hoser?
[Nov 30,2007 9:46pm - Hoser ""]
I'm into cut men...I mean REALLY cut...and with good stamina.
[Nov 30,2007 10:47pm - the_reverend ""]
I cut my deek so that jesus may cry.
[Dec 1,2007 1:04am - thegreatspaldino ""]
aardvark dicks get you no play, circumcision all the way!
[Dec 1,2007 10:41am - faggot  ""]
thegreatspaldino said:aardvark dicks get you no play, circumcision all the way!

Dude, by the time the chick has the dick out of your pants, you'd have to be crusting over or crawling with critters down there to drive her away. Also, it's pretty much impossible to tell if a penis is uncircumsized when it's erect. Just sayin'
[Dec 1,2007 11:07am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
It's all still there; all 4 inches.
[Dec 1,2007 1:14pm - pam nli  ""]
Hoser said:That kinda blows....good to see you're back beautiful. Your husband is a lucky man, and I owe you a huge congratulations for errr.....you know.

Good to see you back....I need more people to offend.

It's ok, the news it out. ;)
He is lucky, don't let him forget it!
[Dec 1,2007 7:45pm - fat ass  ""]
i voted before i read the second option.
so.. just for the record...
i have a beautiful uncircumcised football helmet.
[Dec 3,2007 6:26am - vampyria ""]
...bothers me not..as long as they have pride in cleanliness... ..xXx..
[Dec 3,2007 11:33am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
SRSLY, I'm mystified by this whole dick cheese legend. I mean, I know it's a medical thing that happens, but - well, let me put it this way. One time in high school, I thought it would be funny to not shower for four months (basically just to fuck with a friend who had set some kind of personal no-shower record). Other than the occasional wash in the sink if it looked like someone was gonna want to get personal with my unmentionables, my dilsnick didn't see regular cleaning for the entire four months. Not the slightest hint of cheddar, gouda, or even brie was to be found. Simply not an issue.

Now, the fact that for some reason I started to smell like BBQ sauce after three months, that's another story.
[Dec 3,2007 4:11pm - pam ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:SRSLY, I'm mystified by this whole dick cheese legend. I mean, I know it's a medical thing that happens, but - well, let me put it this way. One time in high school, I thought it would be funny to not shower for four months (basically just to fuck with a friend who had set some kind of personal no-shower record). Other than the occasional wash in the sink if it looked like someone was gonna want to get personal with my unmentionables, my dilsnick didn't see regular cleaning for the entire four months. Not the slightest hint of cheddar, gouda, or even brie was to be found. Simply not an issue.

Now, the fact that for some reason I started to smell like BBQ sauce after three months, that's another story.

What a sexy story.
[Dec 3,2007 4:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
pam said:What a sexy story.

I'm all class.
[Dec 4,2007 10:45am - Yeti ""]
wasn't this already discussed? come on Hoser, lay off the cock for a while.
[Dec 7,2009 6:29pm - Planfist  ""]
[Dec 7,2009 6:43pm - Brodix  ""]

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