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I know that this will meet with controversy...but Clutch may be the greatest band in history...

[Dec 12,2008 5:53pm - pam ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
mountain%20dew%20is%20the%20best%20soda%20ever%20made said:If you think Clutch sucks, you fail at liking music. Period.

your credibilty is lost with your screen name. mountain dew sucks and so does clutch.

[Dec 12,2008 5:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 12,2008 5:56pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
I'm ok with Clutch...greatest band in history...i think not.
[Dec 12,2008 7:49pm - rotivore ""]
infinite meh
[Dec 13,2008 9:04am - douchebag_patrol ""]
Look at the nads on that pig!

[Dec 13,2008 10:28am - dreadkill ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
mountain%20dew%20is%20the%20best%20soda%20ever%20made said:If you think Clutch sucks, you fail at liking music. Period.

your credibilty is lost with your screen name. mountain dew sucks and so does clutch.

forget clutch for a minute. in what universe does mountain dew suck?
[Dec 13,2008 9:43pm - yummy ""]
So Beebopalloobopawopshamboo
And domo arigato if I got to
[Dec 14,2008 6:46am - ANCIENT MASTER  ""]
nah hootie and the blow fish is much better

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