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Good acoustic songs by metal bands?

[Dec 2,2007 1:38am - fleshfries ""]
Desolate Ways by Morbid Angel and Ring of Gold by Bathory are all I can think of....any other good ones?
[Dec 2,2007 12:40pm - Blue ""]
judas priest's acoustic cover of 'diamonds and rust' rules.
[Dec 2,2007 12:58pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
it's not all acoustic, but it's a great song is Death's Voice of the Soul off of Sound of Perserverance. Great freaking song.
[Dec 2,2007 1:43pm - poop ""]
cockroach in fleur by baroness
[Dec 2,2007 2:36pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
that one song by Into Eternity
"In Quest of Enigmatic Dreams" by Old Man's Child
the last two Empyrium albums
"Into Infinite Obscurity" "Feathers Fell" and "Crimson Towers" by Dissection
"Dont You Cry" by Kamelot
not EXACTLY acoustic, but a worthy mention is "Slippin Away" by Hypocrisy
"Sleep is a Curse" by Maudlin of the Well
"Serenade to a Dream" "Ramble" "And the Giants Dance" by Suidakra

thats all i can think of right now
[Dec 2,2007 2:42pm - niccolai ""]
Josh Conrad (joshtruction) made an accoustic lounge version of the trooper.

It's awsome, if you ask he might send it to you.
[Dec 2,2007 2:51pm - Demons_Blade ""]
Surrounded by Night - Into Eternity
Morose Seclusion - Into Eternity
Buried in Oblivion - Into Eternity
Voice of a Soul - Death (already mentioned)
This Mortal Soil - Mastodon
and I have taken a liking to the new Shadows Fall acoustic song "Another Hero Lost" even though I'm not a fan of them.

this is all I can think of off the top of my head...
[Dec 2,2007 3:09pm - Punk potenza  ""]
thier is a acoustic version of burining eyes of the werewolf by satanic warmaster on thier my space thats pretty good
[Dec 2,2007 3:13pm - WhyamIandasshole nli  ""]
Whore House Blues-Motorhead
[Dec 2,2007 3:44pm - dreadkill ""]
Chris_From_Shit_Fuck said:it's not all acoustic, but it's a great song is Death's Voice of the Soul off of Sound of Perserverance. Great freaking song.

yes! great song
[Dec 2,2007 5:17pm - NIGGER ""]
[Dec 2,2007 5:21pm - Ryan_M ""]

[Dec 2,2007 5:22pm - ancient master  ""]
all ancient master songs are acoustic!
[Dec 2,2007 7:03pm - Boine (nli)  ""]
blind guardian the forgotten tales is a good cd
[Dec 2,2007 7:49pm - ancient master  ""]
Ulver - Kveldsjanger album
Skyforger - Swordsong album
Manegarm - Urminnes Havd album
Fejd - Eld
Empyrium - Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays album
Empyrium - Weiland album
Drudkh - Songs of Grief and Solitude album
Bathory - song to hail up high
Agalloch - a desolation song
[Dec 2,2007 7:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
suicide note part 1
[Dec 2,2007 7:57pm - rilly  ""]
fade to black!!!
[Dec 2,2007 7:58pm - Goatcatalyst ""]
Great call on the Ulver and Drudkh. Capharnaum ALMOST recorded an acoustic jam back in the day - but then the drugs wore off and our fifty-one percents prevailed.
[Dec 2,2007 9:48pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Smoke the Bones Of Baby Dolls and Dead Girl -Acid Bath
[Dec 2,2007 10:00pm - ZJD ""]
[Dec 3,2007 12:01am - ArrowHead likes Ellios Pizza  ""]
Crystal Ann - Annihilator
Silk and Steel - Savatage
Veil of Deception - Death Angel (kinda gay, but I've always liked the song)
[Dec 3,2007 12:05am - thuringwethil ""]
I'll be glad when you're dead (you rascal you) by The Accused
[Dec 3,2007 12:45am - Murph nli  ""]
Amorphis - My Kantele (Reprise)

[Dec 3,2007 1:03am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
ArrowHead likes Ellios Pizza said:Crystal Ann - Annihilator
Silk and Steel - Savatage
Veil of Deception - Death Angel (kinda gay, but I've always liked the song)

I can't believe I forgot Crystal Ann! When I worked for Magnolia Home Theater I used to use that song as demos on higher end audio equipment for customers. That song helped me land many of sales.
[Dec 3,2007 3:27am - NuclearWinter ""]
The acoustic interlude in Sodom's "Tired and Red" is the absolute best. It brings such power to the face-ripping monster thrash riff that follows.
[Dec 3,2007 8:41am - ancient master  ""]
[Dec 3,2007 8:55am - atthehaunted ""]
How come no one mentioned SEVEN DAY CURSE? All of u should kill yourself
[Dec 3,2007 10:14am - ancient master  ""]
Lichttaufe - Der Folklore Liederschatz
[Dec 3,2007 10:20am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
ring of gold by bathory
[Dec 3,2007 10:24am - c.dead  ""]
A couple i can think of off the top of my head:

Acid Bath-"Dead Girl" and "The Bones of Baby Dolls"
Azrael- Various songs on III+IV
Godflesh-"Empyreal 2"

I will think of more later.
[Dec 4,2007 10:47am - Yeti ""]
c.dead said:Godflesh-"Empyreal 2"

i didn't think it was possible for Broadrick to make Empyreal any more depressing. then he made Empyreal 2.
[Dec 4,2007 10:53am - C.DEAD  ""]
Yeti said:c.dead said:Godflesh-"Empyreal 2"

i didn't think it was possible for Broadrick to make Empyreal any more depressing. then he made Empyreal 2.

I feel the same way. It totally crushes me when I hear it.
[Dec 4,2007 2:20pm - rilly  ""]
fade to black-metallica
nothing else matters-metallica
I defy anyone to top these
[Dec 4,2007 2:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
rilly said:fade to black-metallica
nothing else matters-metallica
I defy anyone to top these

You should really log in so we can ignore you easier.
[Dec 4,2007 2:28pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
"More easily." Is what I would've typed if I had slightly less sub-par grammar skillz, yo.
[Dec 4,2007 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
Min Hyllset Til Vinterland by Satyricon is untouchable.

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