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Millhouse is contagious

[Dec 2,2007 3:40am - xmikex ""]
fugg u brian.
[Dec 2,2007 6:12am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Dec 2,2007 9:24am - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
you remember Millhouse? Well he's back in meme form.
[Dec 2,2007 9:48am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
THRILLHO is not a meme
[Dec 2,2007 10:19am - Suffocation Earth  ""]
Fuck_Logging_In_NLI said:you remember Millhouse? Well he's back in meme form.

ahh, you've been on this morning. i guess you must have missed the thread with your name on it.
[Dec 2,2007 1:02pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Millhouse from Shelbyville: You're name is Millhouse? I thought I was the only one!
Millhouse from Springfield: So this is what it sounds like when doves cry.

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