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Which BOE guy is SUBJUGATE......Doug??

[Jan 7,2004 1:28pm - noosebomb666 ""]
just curious
[Jan 7,2004 1:29pm - subjugate ""]

[Jan 7,2004 1:31pm - noosebomb666 ""]
Oh it' s you Jim. I thought you had another handle.
[Jan 7,2004 1:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
i thought you quit posting here forever? liar!
[Jan 7,2004 1:49pm - subjugate ""]
i got rid of it and started fresh

hoping all the drama that went along with the old one would die too and am not gonna post as much as before hoping it'll keep the gay fighting to a min. or non existent as i have no time in my life for gay shit like that

thought wrong tho
[Jan 7,2004 1:56pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Hey Jim. Looking forward to playing with you guys again. See you Saturday.
[Jan 7,2004 2:03pm - subjugate ""]
same here

any chance i could use your guitar cab?
[Jan 7,2004 2:08pm - the_reverend ""]
jim can you e-mail me your phone #?
I got someone wanting to talk to you asap about a show that you want to talk to, trust me.
[Jan 7,2004 2:10pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
No problem. You guys KILL.
[Jan 7,2004 2:12pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 7,2004 2:14pm - succubus ""]
email him jim! do it NOW!
[Jan 7,2004 2:15pm - subjugate ""]
you have mail
[Jan 7,2004 2:21pm - subjugate ""]
[Jan 7,2004 2:35pm - blue ""]
jim, you still need to email me?
[Jan 7,2004 2:36pm - the_reverend ""]
yarg! ye olde saltie dogs been bad
[Jan 7,2004 2:38pm - subjugate ""]
i did e mail you i needed a to borrow a cab but i think mark is gonna loan me one so i outta be ok

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