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VADER - Revelations

[Dec 2,2007 12:47pm - bradmann ""]
this is the only album i have by them. pretty damn good but are there better ones? recommendations?
[Dec 2,2007 12:54pm - Mess ""]
Litany is pretty fucking sick
[Dec 2,2007 1:39pm - GoatCatalystNLI  ""]
De Profundis is my favorite. Can't say I'm too crazy for any of the others. When I burn myself out on Morbid Angel (which has only happened twice, let the record show), "The Ultimate Incantation" is almost-satisfying.
[Dec 2,2007 2:09pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
litany would be the best if the drum triggers werent so obnoxious
[Dec 2,2007 5:26pm - Ryan_M ""]
Litany is my favorite.
[Dec 2,2007 9:34pm - Aegathis ""]
They all sound pretty much the same to me.
[Dec 3,2007 6:07am - vampyria ""]
i have 'impressions in blood' ..the album sleeve of skulls is amongst my favs too.. ..love this album.. ..heilz vader.. ..xXx..

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