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Bands, send me your phone numbers

[Jan 7,2004 2:26pm - the_reverend ""]
do not post them here, unless you really want to.
but please, e-mail me your phone # contacts rev@returntothepit.com
I will only give them out to people asking for them to give you shows.
I've been getting people asking me for bands phone #'s for shows and I don't really know any and have to ask around.
[Jan 7,2004 2:29pm - succubus ""]
you should probably get them to give you in addition to their phone numbers:
email, AIM as well, basically all their contact info
[Jan 7,2004 2:30pm - subjugate ""]
8 6 7 5 3 0 9
[Jan 7,2004 2:31pm - succubus ""]
hello? is jennie there?
[Jan 7,2004 2:34pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Check your e-mail fucker
[Jan 7,2004 2:35pm - the_reverend ""]
I like what mark did subject:###### ,
make sure the subject line's going something I with #'s or phone in it.
[Jan 7,2004 3:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
succubus said:hello? is jennie there?

that song is a wicked guilty pleasure, along with pat benitar and every song in scarface.
[Jan 7,2004 3:47pm - noosebomb666 ""]
rev....yuvegot mail!
[Jan 7,2004 3:51pm - succubus ""]
BornSoVile said:succubus said:hello? is jennie there?

that song is a wicked guilty pleasure, along with pat benitar and every song in scarface.

a few days ago i was in my car...and i heard a pat benetar song...then i remembered being in a car with someone telling me pat benetar was their guilty pleasure! but i couldn't remember who it was...and since i don't really have friends, i brushed it off as probably hearing it with coworkers driving in a car with them going to lunch...

and now i remember..it was you!

[Jan 7,2004 4:00pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
rev, you've got mail from mark fucking richards.
[Jan 7,2004 6:49pm - Sinistas ""]
Pat Benatar is the shit. I saw her Summer '02 at the Hampton Casino...What a fuckin' show. Neil Giraldo is a monster guitarist.
[Jan 7,2004 8:14pm - dyingmuse ""]
shroud of 978 476-9161
[Jan 8,2004 1:38am - EchaLeManoCabron  ""]
El Negro Machete 5359920
[Jan 8,2004 9:49am - the_reverend ""]
Sinistas said:Pat Benatar is the shit. I saw her Summer '02 at the Hampton Casino...What a fuckin' show. Neil Giraldo is a monster guitarist.

OMG! you went to that show? that was basically the only news on her "offical" webpage for over a year after that.


[Jan 8,2004 9:50am - the_reverend ""]
hm... that was suppose to be a picture of all of her.
oh well.
[Jan 8,2004 10:54am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Mark Kevorkian might have emailed you his number, but we all know that nobody is looking to book Kevorkian's Angels.

Can someone email Aaron Stoic's phone number?
[Jan 8,2004 3:00pm - AParcak ""]
13 Winters 1-207-929-5962
[Jan 8,2004 3:09pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
AParcak said:13 Winters 1-207-929-5962

AHAHAHAHA! expect alot of prank calls. hahahaha
[Jan 8,2004 3:11pm - XmikeX ""]
subjugate said:8 6 7 5 3 0 9

beat me to it.
[Jun 2,2004 12:19pm - anonymous  ""]
im in elnegro machete were playing pearl june 19 st if you want tickets email me disavowed647@yahoo.com
[Jun 2,2004 12:32pm - RustedAngel ""]
you know my # homeslice.


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