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A question of living

[Dec 17,2007 1:11pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I've never gotten a one room apartment by myself. So I am curious, if I wanted a one room place, with a kitchen and a bathroom how much am I looking at monthly. I'm trying to find a decent place under 500, but I'm pretty sure the best I'll find is 800. The one rooms around here for that cheap usually entail sharing a bathroom with 12 drunks and druggies.
[Dec 17,2007 1:15pm - sxealex ""]
i think u are looking at at least 700... but ive never had one myself
[Dec 17,2007 1:16pm - sxealex ""]
where do you live?
[Dec 17,2007 1:21pm - sxealex ""]
http://boston.craigslist.org/bmw/abo/509656745.html this sounds awesome... Lexington is ridiculously safe.
[Dec 17,2007 1:42pm - dreadkill ""]
that lexington listing sounds really good. it's a great location and pretty cheap considering it's lexington.
[Dec 17,2007 1:44pm - the_reverend ""]
he lives in nashua/manchester.
Good like paying $500 for something like that there.
[Dec 17,2007 2:16pm - brian_dc ""]
only way to pay about that much in New England is to shoehorn people in to break up the rent
[Dec 17,2007 2:58pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you DO get lucky sometimes tho. my place is a 3 person @ $875 with heat and hot water included. sweet.

do what i did and see if you have any family friends that are landlords ;)
[Dec 17,2007 4:43pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Yeah I already figured I would just get a place with two other people, a two room place. It would be about 450 half way, and when the other person (gf) gets a job, even cheaper.

I live in a townhouse with old highschool friends right now. It's nice, but far too many people in one building for my tastes. Three women, a baby, a dog, and four cats... I need a little less chaos.

And a little less cat's having sex at four in the morning.
[Dec 17,2007 5:08pm - Blue ""]
i scored one for 450 a month.......in the middle of nowhere NH.
[Dec 17,2007 5:18pm - Timma ""]
There's nothing more elegant and serene than cats humping at dawn.
[Dec 17,2007 5:26pm - brian_dc ""]
oh, you'll spend far more money per month if you live with your girlfriend. Since it's a test marriage, you'll find your money disappearing into a glorious frenzy of "wait, where the fuck did my money go"'s
[Dec 17,2007 5:51pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i thought this was a thread about suicide... luckily there is already another one about that.
[Dec 18,2007 3:01am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
brian_dc said:oh, you'll spend far more money per month if you live with your girlfriend. Since it's a test marriage, you'll find your money disappearing into a glorious frenzy of "wait, where the fuck did my money go"'s

oh no, I'm fucking Norse style, that bitch is making her own money, only reason I'll through some food her way once in a while is to make sure she doesn't turn into bones.

[Dec 18,2007 3:04am - sxealex ""]
yea fuckin NH is cheap... you are an asshole >:P
[Dec 18,2007 3:04am - sxealex ""]
[Dec 18,2007 4:12am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
sxealex said:yea fuckin NH is cheap... you are an asshole >:P

Not anywhere south of concord
[Dec 18,2007 9:40am - corpus_colostomy ""]
i have a sick 2 bedroom apartment with my girl in hingham, we each pay $575.00 x month, tenant at will steez. to make matters more ill, our lords didn't charge us 'FLS' to get in, we just need one months rent, which was lucky by us. if you can wrangle one other 'legit' person you will have many sick options no matter where you are. if that person has some accessible 'pink' than your solid, or squalid...it all depends on your pref.
[Dec 18,2007 9:50am - the_reverend ""]
um.. what?!? is that what it's like for people to read what I type?
[Dec 18,2007 9:53am - corpus_colostomy ""]
i wasn't trying to be irREVerent, i was just adding to the list of price quotes and situations--why not take into consideration as much info as possible, in making the decision?
[Dec 18,2007 7:55pm - pam ""]
brian_dc said:only way to pay about that much in New England is to shoehorn people in to break up the rent

Or move somewhere shitty like Fall River. We have a 2BR with a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and spare room for 650/month and that's actually 100 dollars more expensive than it should be. My girlfriend has a big ass 3BR for 500/month. It sucks here, but it's cheap.
[Dec 19,2007 1:34pm - MikePile  ""]
i'm gonna make a tapestry that says "SOLID OR SQUALID" and hang it over the toilet
[Dec 19,2007 11:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
we have many TAPESTRIEEES.

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