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im drinking the most vile substance

[Jan 9,2004 5:17pm - George ""]
i just took a san pedro cactus and stuck it in a blender, and then boiled it into a tea and now im drinking it. i feel like im going to vomit. t minus 3 hours to hallucinations.
[Jan 9,2004 5:19pm - ratt_mowe ""]
my lord.... where did you get that? give me some.
[Jan 9,2004 5:33pm - the_reverend ""]
you are going to vomit.
for like 2 hours straight
[Jan 9,2004 5:39pm - ratt_mowe ""]
it'll be well worth it. cleansing of the body and spirit.
[Jan 9,2004 5:50pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 10,2004 2:40am - the_reverend ""]
you trippin' your balls off dude?
like jerry loves you.
[Jan 10,2004 2:48am - George ""]
i couldnt drink all of it. it was too much. i drank not even half of it and then i felt like i was going to puke. shit got a little weird and then it went away. so i just pissy drunk instead. i have a headache. but i didnt puke!
it didnt work because
1: i didnt drink very much of the tea
2: i probably boiled it too much and burnt off alot of alkoloids and mescaline
3: god hates me

im going to try this whole nonsense again next week. this time im going to dry the cactus and crush it up into powder and put it in capsules.
like im sure all of you care about my drug use.
ill tell you all about it if i get it to work.
[Jan 10,2004 12:53pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i think the worst thing i ever drank was
back in the day when we did some shroomies
and washed them down with fudge coke...
wow was that bad!
[Jan 10,2004 1:11pm - ratt_mowe ""]
not hippies, indians.
[Jan 10,2004 1:14pm - ratt_mowe ""]
either way, george, you should hook a brotha up with some of those capsules! maybe me you and jay can hang out and we can unlock the door to life's wonders through a key called mescaline.
[Jan 10,2004 2:17pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Fuck you, hippies!!!
[Jan 11,2004 1:25am - George ""]
jay's not down with the hallucanitripping, nor would i really want to trip with him. i'd light up a ciggarette and he's start screaming "Death to the non believers!!! My tribe has be defiled one too many times!! WE MUST GO TO WAR!!" and then proceed to gouge out my eyes with toothpicks and then kill children on the street.

erm...dont im me, because i will not give you any sort of mind expanding drug, thats probably illegal i would never do anything like that. drugs are bad and not to be spoken of over a public forum on the internet. shame on you for trying to expand your horizons and harm nobody else in the process. we must respect this countrys laws because they are obviously there for a good reason. those drug users are such a threat to our freedom. we shall never speak of such awful things ever again.


ratt_mowe said:either way, george, you should hook a brotha up with some of those capsules! maybe me you and jay can hang out and we can unlock the door to life's wonders through a key called mescaline.

[Jan 11,2004 4:18am - George ""]
MyDeadDoll said:i think the worst thing i ever drank was
back in the day when we did some shroomies
and washed them down with fudge coke...
wow was that bad!

nothing was as gross as this stuff. it smelled and looked like pea soup. it was vomit green and every time you took a swig it wanted to come right back up. its was unbearably bitter.
i figured it would be no big deal, ive done 8 ounce bottles of robotussin and figured nothing could be worse than that, but i was very very wrong.
mushrooms dont taste nearly as bad as people make them out to taste. they dont taste wonderfull but its not unbearable. that might just be me though, since ive done alot of nastynes to try and trip.
[Jan 11,2004 4:58am - the_reverend ""]
mushrooms taste like musty nuts.
[Jan 11,2004 6:20pm - jay-ganihm ""]
matt and george. i would not mind tripping with you kids. we should like, lick some toads or something.
[Jan 11,2004 11:45pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Fucking hippies.
[Jan 12,2004 12:49am - ratt_mowe ""]
fucking hippies..... or hippies fucking?

you make the call.
[Jan 12,2004 12:50am - MyDeadDoll ""]
the_reverend said:mushrooms taste like musty nuts.

you would know...
[Jan 12,2004 12:58am - ratt_mowe ""]
i was SO going to say the same thing.... but i refrained.
[Jan 12,2004 2:04am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Or do musty nuts taste like mushrooms? Who knows...

Fucking hippies.

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