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Jackson Rhoads V and BC Rich Warlock Supreme FOR SALE

[Dec 25,2007 7:23pm - ZJD ""]
I got a hefty gift certificate to GC that I want to use but I can't justify so many guitars, let alone so many pointy black ones, so buy these from me.

X Series RX10D Rhoads V - $400 OBO
This guitar is in excellent-mint condition and the bridge pickup has been replaced with a Duncan JB. Black w/ all chrome hardware. No case.
I can take pictures of this if anyone wants them, I just don't have the means/motivation to take them tonight. It looks exactly like this save the bridge pickup and the tremolo arm is black:

NJ series Warlock Supreme - $400 OBO
Floyd Rose licenced locking tremolo / all black hardware
ebony fretboard w/ no fret markers
Non-beveled body edges
Everything bound in white
Bridge pickup=Dimarzio D-Sonic / Neck pickup = disconnected
The bridge is currently blocked to allow for alternate tunings, but I will unblock it upon request.
The headstock is a bit chipped but the guitar is in good condition otherwise. These are apparently very rare and were only made for one year. Hardshell coffin case.
[Dec 25,2007 7:52pm - ScARIAL  ""]
[Dec 25,2007 7:59pm - ZJD ""]
[Dec 26,2007 12:24am - ZJD ""]
[Dec 27,2007 1:13pm - ZJD ""]
[Dec 28,2007 1:16pm - ZJD ""]
[Dec 30,2007 1:02am - ZJD ""]
[Dec 30,2007 12:46pm - ZJD ""]
nb ckhgvcg
[Dec 31,2007 10:35am - ZJD ""]
[Jan 2,2008 3:36pm - ZJD ""]
[Jan 3,2008 9:17pm - ZJD ""]
If you rock the warlock hard enough, the Great Eye of Sauron appears between the two points on the headstock.
[Jan 3,2008 9:56pm - the truth  ""]
these 2 guitars=2low end pieces of shit. Especially that slipknotty warlock
[Jan 3,2008 10:45pm - ZJD ""]
the truth said:these 2 guitars=2low end pieces of shit. Especially that slipknotty warlock

False. The V is decent but by no means high end. The Warlock is a great guitar and by no means low end.
[Jan 6,2008 7:42pm - ZJD ""]
[Jan 7,2008 8:43am - ZJD ""]
[Jan 7,2008 10:58am - immortal13 ""]
I thought it was you when I saw these ads on craigslist.

By the way, you looked kinda confused when I saw you the other day.
[Jan 7,2008 12:52pm - ZJD ""]
Nah, I just don't throw the goat to people, ever. I knew it was you and waved and then you threw up the horns so I tryed to say "Sure, okay," in such a way that you could clearly read my lips. I think you laughed so I figured you understood.
ANYWAYS want to buy a guitar? I'm selling some guitars, I am.
[Jan 10,2008 8:34pm - ZJD ""]
[Jan 11,2008 11:48am - ZJD ""]
[Jan 11,2008 6:50pm - ZJD ""]
[Jan 13,2008 11:09pm - ZJD ""]

[Jan 15,2008 11:15pm - tunafishtouch  ""]
good luck. USPS is going to beat the living shit out of that, and you don't offer insurance.
[Jan 15,2008 11:22pm - ZJD ""]
I don't know if i said i did, but I obviously offer insurance.
[Jan 16,2008 9:17pm - ZJD ""]
Little over an hour left!!!
[Jan 16,2008 10:58pm - ZJD ""]
[Mar 14,2008 12:36am - eric ""]
you still selling?

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