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[Jan 10,2004 11:28am - xeatadickx ""]
hey everyone, this is tom. two days ago the providence housing committee came by the BoK and condemned the place, deeming it "not suitable for human habitation", of course having to do with the fact that theres only one real entrance/exit, and you know, fires and shit - its all from that station fire, the fire chief wants to cover his ass. threats like this have been made before, and they blew over - just some green exchanged hands. but those were threats of eviction. this time, they said condemned. this time it really is the end.

as for the bane of existence show, its still on. its gonna be our goodbye, farewell, swansong, we'll miss you all show.

it was a good run while it lasted, i think. thanks to all the bands and people that made it happen. you guys are all awesome. and extra special thank yous go out to the reverend, carina, the guys in cryptic warning (youre going BIG TIME, i promise hahaha), terminally your aborted ghost (all you guys are awesome) , ascendancy (especially josh and terence), xlynchiex, aaron, the whole crew of boston/south shore kids, basiliskk, john dwyer of PATHOS productions, GORATORY, the_network, in dire need, and anyone else i may have forgotten, you know im grateful to you as well.

both mike and i have met awesome people, awesome bands, and walked away from it with a few new good friends as well. i cant thank you all enough. KEEP IT METAL!!!!! :satancross::NEWHORNS::satancross:

HUUUUUUUUUUGE NOTE TO ANYONE COMING TONIGHT: please be on your best behavior. the cops have always known about the venues, but now its official from the top. its not dangerous or anything, but we dont know what exactly could happen if something stupid happens. basically, im asking anyone coming not to fight, and not have huge groups floating around outside. by all means, you need a cig, go for it, im just talking about groups of like, 10-20 kids standing on the curb. thank you

-xtomx, missing it already.
[Jan 10,2004 11:58am - succubus ""]
truly sad...

but i will see you tonight Tom and i'm sure the turnout will be huge!
[Jan 10,2004 12:33pm - xeatadickx ""]
thank you so much for the condolences, carina. im really looking forward to seeing everyone there and just enjoying it while we still have it.

ill be there a bit late, not too much though, 9:30 at the latest because of work. but yeah. and stuff. i dont know. with the risk of sounding like the lifetime channel, every ending means a new beginning, right? just gotta get up and dust yourself off and keep on going. metal has been my lifeblood for the longest time...theres no way im just gonna drop everything now. i know i'll find some way to help out the NE metal scene, no matter how big or small.

and yeah, hopefully theres a good turnout tonight. joe put a lot of time and effort into booking this show, both he and the bands deserve it.
[Jan 10,2004 1:02pm - extremedeath666 ""]
i wanted to have the cd release party there, this really sucks.
[Jan 10,2004 5:00pm - Brad ""]
our first show there is your last, sorry to hear about the condemnation.

we will rock your house down, promise..

Brad/Kevorkian's Angels
[Jan 10,2004 5:05pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
extremedeath666 said:i wanted to have the cd release party there, this really sucks.

i would pay money for a cd version of your vinyl release.
[Jan 10,2004 6:48pm - extremedeath666 ""]
they're making 3' cds you bastard:shocked:
[Jan 10,2004 6:57pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
extremedeath666 said:they're making 3' cds you bastard:shocked:

OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH.... i was under the impression that it was a vinyl only release. i am definitely picking that fucking thing up.
[Jan 10,2004 11:03pm - joostin ""]
mike and tom, you know i love ya.
i wish i had known about tonight, i would have come:(
[Jan 11,2004 9:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
This was the best time ever!!!
Dead rats, scarves, hot blondes and shadley!
[Jan 11,2004 3:55pm - subjugate ""]
so i got home at 4am :spineyes: and was up at 10am cause mikee needed his shit for noosence bomb practice (sorry randy had to do it :NEWHORNS i am sure mike is having a blast jamming today:krusty:
[Jan 12,2004 10:21am - succubus ""]
as i told the people i spoke to... i got back and worked on the photos (although some of it is automated...it's still a manual process) since i'm not the computer genius my boyfriend is...AND the only reason it's semi automated...is due to his help...anyhow...

i fell asleep while working on photos at 5am...and then i got up 3 hours later to head to the rev's dads place...and then straight away to another show...got back with the intention on finishing photos...i didn't even go online...and i fell asleep :(

now i'm at work but stuck because of the firewalls i cannot SSH them to upload them to the server

aww shit :(

sorry all..
tons of photos will be up sometime today though
[Jan 12,2004 10:29am - Brad ""]

there's my pics, in cool photo album mode.
thanks Joe for booking it,all the bands for kicking ass, all the folks that showed up, Conifer for letting us use some gear and being rad guys.

Man, best show we ever played...:doublehorns::doublehorns::doublehorns:
[Jan 12,2004 10:30am - succubus ""]
your shirts still rule Brad >:]
[Jan 12,2004 10:39am - Brad ""]
succubus said:your shirts still rule Brad >:]


you're pictures rule as well:bow:
[Jan 12,2004 1:30pm - noosebomb666 ""]
subjugate said:so i got home at 4am :spineyes: and was up at 10am cause mikee needed his shit for noosence bomb practice (sorry randy had to do it :NEWHORNS i am sure mike is having a blast jamming today:krusty:

C'mon, Jim, you know you love us!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah Mike was, um, tired. What the hell are you doing to OUR DRUMMER?????? Only kidding man, as you know.

[Jan 12,2004 2:21pm - the_reverend ""]
2 words....
butt sex.
[Jan 12,2004 2:24pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Jan 12,2004 9:59pm - Brad ""]
[Jan 13,2004 1:58am - succubus ""]
oh, just to et you know

my photos are up
[Jan 13,2004 1:59am - succubus ""]
raising kubrick

[Jan 13,2004 2:00am - succubus ""]
kevorkian's angels:
[Jan 13,2004 2:00am - succubus ""]
[Jan 13,2004 2:02am - succubus ""]
[Jan 13,2004 2:03am - succubus ""]
Bane of existence:
[Jan 13,2004 2:31am - succubus ""]
oh! and miscellaneous


featuring conifer and Kevorkian's angels...and joe
[Jan 13,2004 9:57am - subjugate ""]
fucking cool pix
[Jan 13,2004 10:08am - succubus ""]
my 2 fave's with you in them are

[Jan 13,2004 12:29pm - subjugate ""]

i saw a few keepers

all hail flat rat :NEWHORNS::shocked::NEWHORNS:
[Jan 13,2004 1:00pm - the_reverend ""]
I know what that pictures needs...
[Jan 13,2004 1:51pm - blue ""]
amazing. simply amazing.
[Jan 13,2004 2:15pm - succubus ""]
ok so for whatever reason..the link for KA's on here doesn't work...

but go to my photos page and click the link from there
or cut and paste that:
[Jan 13,2004 2:16pm - succubus ""]

... for whatever reason a SLASH \ is being added to the URL but i am not typing it

i used an apostrophe in Kevorkian's ... that's messing stuff up
instead i used \' which used to work fine... but i guess not when you try linking it

[Jan 13,2004 2:24pm - succubus ""]

blood with a smile
[Jan 13,2004 3:35pm - ninkaszi  ""]
haha thanks for taking pics. they came out great. next time jeff throws a mic stand at my head i'm going to stab him, heh heh.
[Jan 13,2004 3:38pm - succubus ""]
ninkaszi said:haha thanks for taking pics. they came out great. next time jeff throws a mic stand at my head i'm going to stab him, heh heh.

you know how all the lights were out for your set?

well... i f&cked up one of the settings and most of your photos turned out blurry (ask the rev) so i had to delete soooo many =(

i didn't have the autofocus light on..my bad
[Jan 13,2004 3:45pm - ninkaszi  ""]
thats cool, there seems to be a ton of cool pics on the page. i like the "double image" thing in a few of them.
[Jan 13,2004 10:03pm - succubus ""]
[Jan 14,2004 1:04am - phantos ""]
succubus said:[img]

blood with a smile

one of the best rock-n-roll pics ever.
Hirundinea slays me.
[Jan 16,2004 9:24pm - BronzeBronson ""]
late on the bump..
Must say this was one of the funnest shows I have ever played out of all the bands I have played in....
It was the shit..

My fav highlight was hirudinea playing in the pitch Black...
it was like getting murdered over and over again...
One of my favorite bands out there...
[Jan 17,2004 1:29am - BornSoVile ""]
my review,

The Box of Knives, where legends are brewed, tip of cap to Tom and Mike. i'm still waiting for the encore :stupidflanders:
[Jan 17,2004 1:44am - phantos ""]
yes. thanks much to the guys at Box of Knives.
and thanks for the review.
[Jan 17,2004 1:45am - Brad ""]
BornSoVile said:my review,

The Box of Knives, where legends are brewed, tip of cap to Tom and Mike. i'm still waiting for the encore :stupidflanders:

that was an excellent review, thank you very much

[Jan 17,2004 10:53am - succubus ""]
yes read the review!
[Jan 17,2004 11:47am - blue ""]
awesome review josh, ill put a link to it up on the site.
[Jan 17,2004 11:08pm - succubus ""]

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