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I forgot about TV in Montreal

[Dec 29,2007 11:14am - succubus ""]
watching movies on basic television (no cable) you see nudity and hear swears....hilarious....
I guess there is a family guy marathon starting when i am leaving and the commercial warns of foul language , nudity and a lot more,hahaha
[Dec 29,2007 11:43am - thuringwethil ""]
I can only watch TV versions of Scarface and Glengarry Glen Ross in Canada


I miss Voivod
[Dec 29,2007 6:33pm - succubus ""]
i miss you L!
[Dec 29,2007 6:41pm - BSV  ""]
I watched music plus for an entire day up there once. They had a 50 great moments pour Quebec show. Shit was intense!!
[Dec 29,2007 6:41pm - thuringwethil ""]
I miss u too, bunny boo

when ya coming back?
[Dec 30,2007 1:37am - Samantha ""]
I miss Canadian TV. Sometimes, it's more graphic than skin-emax.

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