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[Jan 4,2008 1:14pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Why didn't you fuckbags tell me about these guys before?

I just picked up Hangman's hymn, totally blown away, I've been in a real avante-garde mood lately, diablo string orchestra, unexpect, mystic forest...

is their other cd good? Gallow something or other, I saw it at newburies when I picked up the other one.
[Jan 4,2008 1:15pm - Yeti ""]
you should definitely listen to Scorn Defeat. one of the few albums actually under Deathlike Silence Productions.
[Jan 4,2008 1:15pm - Yeti ""]
and its really good.
[Jan 4,2008 1:20pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I've got "ready for the final war" dled, pretty good song.
[Jan 4,2008 1:31pm - the_reverend ""]
HH is good, but they have done better.
[Jan 4,2008 1:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I sell Imaginary Sonicscape and the original Gallow's Gallery...

[Jan 4,2008 1:35pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:Why didn't you fuckbags tell me about these guys before?

I just picked up Hangman's hymn, totally blown away, I've been in a real avante-garde mood lately, diablo string orchestra, unexpect, mystic forest...

is their other cd good? Gallow something or other, I saw it at newburies when I picked up the other one.

You're assumed to have done your research, son. :stupidflanders:

No, seriously, good shit - it varies in how avant-garde it is, CD to CD, but you can't go too far wrong.
[Jan 4,2008 1:35pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Sigh is pretty great. Imaginary Sonicscape rules. And Hail Horror Hail is pretty killer, too. Yeti's got Scorn Defeat covered... fukkin rad
[Jan 4,2008 1:36pm - NorthernFrost ""]
I never really liked Sigh.

But you definitely want to check out Imaginary Sonicscape and Hail Horror Hell.
[Jan 4,2008 1:40pm - BSV  ""]
everything they've done is awesome! Imaginary Sonicscape is incredible.
[Jan 4,2008 1:46pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Ever notice this about SIGH's album titles?

Scorn Defeat
Infidel Art
Ghastly Funeral Theatre
Hail Horror Hail

Scenario IV: Dread Dreams
Imaginary Sonicscape
Gallows Gallery
Hangman's Hymn

Spells SIGH twice.
[Jan 4,2008 1:58pm - BSV  ""]
ever notice that Dwyer's brought that up like 3 times this year?? REPOST POLICE are coming for you!
[Jan 4,2008 2:10pm - dreadkill ""]
Scenario IV: Dread Dreams
Imaginary Sonicscape

my two favorites
[Jan 4,2008 2:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
BSV said:Dwyer's brought that up like 3 times this year

Wrong, it's 2008, nigga bitch!

[Jan 4,2008 2:54pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Time for a new Dwyer Bingo scorecard.
[Jan 4,2008 3:33pm - C.DEAD  ""]
Dwyer, I didn't know that, and they are one of my favorite bands. "Hail Horror Hail" and "Ghastly Funeral Theatre" are my personal favorites.
[Jan 4,2008 3:39pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Just here to inform.
[Mar 21,2008 2:52am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Ever notice this about SIGH's album titles?

Scorn Defeat
Infidel Art
Ghastly Funeral Theatre
Hail Horror Hail

Scenario IV: Dread Dreams
Imaginary Sonicscape
Gallows Gallery
Hangman's Hymn

Spells SIGH twice.
[Mar 21,2008 8:52am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Y_Ddraig_Goch said:Why didn't you fuckbags tell me about these guys before?

I just picked up Hangman's hymn, totally blown away, I've been in a real avante-garde mood lately, diablo string orchestra, unexpect, mystic forest...

is their other cd good? Gallow something or other, I saw it at newburies when I picked up the other one.

You're assumed to have done your research, son. :stupidflanders:


I just read this like it was a new thread and went to reply to it with the EXACT same snarky response.

I'm predictable. *snort*
[Mar 21,2008 9:41am - ZJD ""]
Imaginary Soniscape is my favorite but I think every album is great. I actually think Gallows Gallery is a damn near perfect metal album, but a lot of people seemed to hate it. WHICH REMINDS ME.
[Mar 21,2008 9:42am - ZJD ""]

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