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[Jan 9,2008 3:44pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I'm thinking about heading to the recruit center soon, tomorrow or friday.

What do you think about it, anyone in it or was? If I join i want to do Intel., photojournalism, or languages (persian seeing we will be at war with them soon, and/or arabic)
[Jan 9,2008 3:48pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
good luck, you need to be well-connected for intel. typically that's a for those who come out of yale, harvard, princeton, and annapolis...and you need to know the right people to get into those schools most of the time.
[Jan 9,2008 4:04pm - the_reverend ""]
wow, I don't even know how many people that had told me they are going to try something like this. All but one of them was off them got shipped right off to Iraq basically right away. Many of them were even promised that they would get different assignments that weren't iraq, but the recruiters will do ANYTHING to get bodies in the military. Once you sign, anything they promised you that isn't in writing won't happen. As for the one that didn't go, that one couldn't cause they got preggo. I'm pretty sure you are SOS on that one.
It always amazes me how "metal" people are suppose to be all independent, but for some reason will run off to where they have no life and are told what to do. Plus, there is the whole "god" thing.

As for languages, they don't pull in people unless they are already fluent. Training someone to know more than a couple words and to speak with the right accents is next to impossible.

good luck though I guess. I'm sure they will give you your free pair of socks while they shave your head and fast track you to the endles war.
[Jan 9,2008 4:41pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm surprised that you'd join the military.
[Jan 9,2008 5:03pm - DrewBlood ""]
I have a handful of cousins in the Marine Corps and two in the Navy. Its been really good for them and it helped them to get their shit together. The Navy is the way to go because there is a much smaller chance of being killed and they will teach you practical things that will help you get better civilian jobs.
[Jan 9,2008 5:22pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Recruiters will definitely say anything to get you to sign. If you go in there and give them a no bull-shit attitude that would imply that you don't want to hear them bargain with you like they're hosting a fucking telethon, they are likely to be relatively straight up with you. The benefits of enlisting in any service are fucking spectacular if you take advantage of all that is offered to you. You know...milk Unlce Sam for all he's got for you (i.e. College, post-service govn't jobs). As for intel, you'd likely have to pass a SERIOUS background investigation where they'll probably scrutinize your parents and siblings criminal history. For Language, the Rev is dead on. Don't think for one min Hajji doesn't want to shoot the interpreter first...2nd only to an officer.

My question to the Rev is: Who the fuck would sign up for any service during war time and not expect to be sent off over seas? Only retards and the most gullible son's of bitches God has ever placed on this planet...I guess.

I was gonna sign up for the National Guard as an infantryman after college and I had a recruiter who saw my attitude and didn't really give me much bullshit. He was basically like "..most of the time it's not gonna be fun. It's gonna be fucking tough as shit. Whenever you want to come here and get shit rollin', you know where to find me and we can get it together."

IMHO: I would, however, rather be a weekend warrior than a fucking sailor. Go Army or Marines if you wanna enlist. Kill shit, blow shit up, and be able to shoot at the mother fuckers who are shooting at you with a rifle rather than a camera.
[Jan 9,2008 7:22pm - the_reverend ""]
they were aiming at intel work just like stated in the original post or shooting for some specific job or trying to stay away from jail. guess what no one on this site is doogie howser in starship troopers.

as for the "weekend warrior" thing, tell that to the ones cycled through and KIA in iraq.
[Jan 9,2008 7:28pm - the_reverend ""]
that and sailors look really gay in their uniforms. how many sailors have been KIA? the 17 on the USS Cole?
[Jan 9,2008 7:32pm - Hoser ""]
USMC.....Department of the Navy.

Just less gay.

No seriously, good luck if you go. I spent 8 happy years in the Corps. Just ask my psychologist......
[Jan 9,2008 7:36pm - Hoser ""]
I was kidding....

I was a Platoon Sergeant with Echo 2/2 out of Camp Lejeune, NC.

0311 Rifleman

Nothing is easy, it's all a committment. Once you're in, the fastest way out is either in a body bag or to just do your time.

I preferred the latter. In the Navy you'll be pretty safe as long as you're a Boatswain's Mate or something like that. All you'll end up doing is carting Marines around to various wars and painting the deck of the ship and shit.....

Navy chow is pretty good, too.....IMHO

Marine Corps. chow sucks dicks.

Good luck anyway.....
[Jan 9,2008 9:19pm - Hungtableed  ""]
the_reverend said:

as for the "weekend warrior" thing, tell that to the ones cycled through and KIA in iraq.

I don't disagree with that statement at all, what so ever...That's why I, essentially, said that anyone who signs up for ANY - I seriously stress the word A N Y - service in a time of war who doesn't expect to serve in a combat zone is a retard. Weekend warrior or not, your signing up to be put in deadly-harms way if/when they need you.

[Jan 9,2008 9:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 9,2008 9:51pm - Niccolai ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:I'm thinking about heading to the recruit center soon, tomorrow or friday.

What do you think about it, anyone in it or was? If I join i want to do Intel., photojournalism, or languages (persian seeing we will be at war with them soon, and/or arabic)

Good luck as a linguist if you don't already speak the language.

even if you somehow managed to bullshit them, they'd find out eventually and switch your job to gunner's mate since they love to do that so much.

If I were you, i'd look a little into the airforce.
They are a smaller force, training is a little easier, it's generally a little safer, food (except for MREs. And MRE is an MRE) and dorm is definately better, and AFC is awesome.

You could so any of the jobs you listed in the airforce and enjoy not having your job changed, not eating rat sputum, and not being associated with these queers:

[Jan 9,2008 9:58pm - the_reverend ""]
you are going to learn all sorts of things in the navy.
[Jan 10,2008 12:44am - Niccolai ""]
My thougts exactly.
[Jan 10,2008 12:51am - the_reverend ""]
same page you and i eh?
[Jan 10,2008 1:42am - sxealex ""]
Hoser said:USMC.....Department of the Navy.

Just less gay.

No seriously, good luck if you go. I spent 8 happy years in the Corps. Just ask my psychologist......

USMC has the lowest budget of all the armed forces since its a subdivision it eats the shit that the navy leaves behind. Sooo after ships(yea that shit is expeeennnnsive), planes they use and faggotry. Not that having less money makes it bad per-say.
[Jan 10,2008 1:44am - sxealex ""]
ill join id sailor moon is there
[Jan 10,2008 3:31am - douchebag_patrol ""]

[Jan 10,2008 8:28am - the_reverend ""]
thank you
[Jan 10,2008 2:19pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
war were declared


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