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Gigantour part on NEMHF

[Jan 10,2008 9:32am - tools of the trade  ""]
Gigantour will be part of the 10th Annual New England Metal and Hardcore Festival. This will feature Megadeth, In Flames, Children of Bodom, Job for a Cowboy, and High on Fire.
[Jan 10,2008 10:01am - sinistas ""]
God. Damnit.
[Jan 10,2008 10:03am - brian_dc ""]
JFAC got on Gigantour?

[Jan 10,2008 10:03am - Pires ""]
sweet...i wouldn't have gone to this anyway...but now I get to see Megadeth...
[Jan 10,2008 10:25am - the_reverend ""]
you are kidding me... how would that work.
[Jan 10,2008 10:33am - Yeti ""]
fuckin a. hopefully that is a different night than Meshuggah. High on Fire is pretty good, and Megadeth is worth seeing, but the rest is wanky bullshit garbage.
[Jan 10,2008 10:41am - xanonymousx ""]
I'm sick of job for a cowboy.
according to the myspace its going to be three days again.
[Jan 10,2008 10:45am - the_reverend ""]
it just doesn't make sense since the gigantour usually plays at venues MUCH larger than the palladium.
[Jan 10,2008 10:47am - xanonymousx ""]
yeah i do agree its always at the tsongas and verizon.
it seems however when megadeth does the smaller tours by themselves they play venues about the same size as the palladium.
[Jan 10,2008 10:48am - goatcatalyst ""]
no care. nope. none.
[Jan 10,2008 11:28am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Just when I thought they couldn't make nemhf any worse, they combine it with an even shittier annual show.
[Jan 10,2008 11:44am - sinistas ""]
Rev, they've cut down the lineup this year, so that probably plays a part.
[Jan 10,2008 11:58am - the_reverend ""]
This is a false rumor.
[Jan 10,2008 12:01pm - brian_dc ""]
before I knew about this I wasn't going to go

once I found out about this I wasn't going to go

now that it appears to be a lie I will still not go
[Jan 10,2008 12:04pm - the_reverend ""]
with some small exceptions, it is the day before metal fest. sorry to burst your not going bubble.
[Jan 10,2008 12:05pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: I believe gigantour tickets go on sale thursday or something.
[Jan 10,2008 12:15pm - sinistas ""]
So this is separate? Nice.
[Jan 10,2008 12:44pm - Yeti ""]
the_reverend said:with some small exceptions, it is the day before metal fest. sorry to burst your not going bubble.


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