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tech help cause I'm un-cool

[Jan 10,2008 7:20pm - swamplorddvm ""]
How the hell does one convert a WMA in to a WAV.MP3 or MP3?

I'm trying to upload a WAV.MP3 for a video.


Please help.

[Jan 10,2008 7:51pm - DreamingInExile ""]
dbpoweramp will do all your conversion needs.

you can also use most recording software to do it too.
[Jan 10,2008 8:05pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm assuming I can download this bdpoweramp...

[Jan 10,2008 9:22pm - the_reverend ""]

install that and just drag and drop.
[Jan 11,2008 1:19am - swamplorddvm ""]
Thanks again.

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