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For Sale: a bunch of shit.

[Jan 13,2008 5:10pm - Niccolai ""]
Just testing the water here. Not 100% sure if I'm selling anything yet, all i know is a reaaaally need a car and some of my gear I could do with out.

- Presonus firepod - less then 3 weeks old. just bought it. paid 350. for 450, I'll throw in a pair of Maudio studio monitors(just got them 4 days ago) the necessary cables, headphones, and some mics/cables.

- ESP LTD B404 - The highest end ltd bass available about a year ago, but was since discontinued. they are rare and are getting very saught after.
comes with hardshell case and still looks bran fucking new. asking $500. bought it new a year ago for close to 700. best bass I've owned.


- Crate Shockwave amp - 350 watt head that screams like a bastard. includes Gt412 cabinet (about a month old) and planet waves speaker cable. Say what you want about Crate, but this amp is amazing for the price. asking 600. was like 1000 new before they discontinued.

- PA - behringer PMX3000. paid like 350 a few years ago. 800 watts. includes speakon adapters and crap. one of the speaker outs is messed up, so I just daisy chain two into the other speaker output. the monitors are two Peavey PV15m monitors. paid 250 each last summer. Since this isn't the top of the line PA, I'm only asking 300 for the monitor, powered mixer, cables, speakon adapters, and two mics. It's nice and loud for band practices. Terminally used to use in in the inanimately soundless era.

[Jan 13,2008 7:17pm - martins ""]
Aw, why would you sell such a nice bass? Besides for the money.
[Jan 13,2008 7:19pm - Niccolai ""]
For the money.

I don't play bass in a band, and probably won't ever again. plus I just sold my only bass amp. so I might as well toss it.

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