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ATTN: Itunes users

[Jan 14,2008 9:46pm - succubus ""]
who on here uses itunes?

I have my own music but I did buy some movies.
There are a lot of cool freebies too...but unless you are sent them in an email or something..how do you know they are there? If you search using "free" it looks for the word free in the song, show, book, etc.

I did find some freebies...but not sure if people on here care

if anyone uses itunes and is interested...let me know...I'll go ahead and post what I found and please do the same.
[Jan 14,2008 9:51pm - succubus ""]
damn...the Flintstones!
it's 1.99 an episode or 27.99 for season 1 (28 episodes)!

[Jan 14,2008 10:18pm - succubus ""]
or not

ah well i tried
[Jan 14,2008 10:23pm - boine ""]
ive used it, never any free things but i got both seasons of weeds on it
[Jan 14,2008 10:24pm - xanonymousx ""]
i use itunes but i don't have an account i only use it to upload my music to my ipod and returntothepit
[Jan 15,2008 4:28pm - Blue ""]
anything youve DLed from itunes, regardless of whether or not you bought it will be in your 'purchased' folder on the left/
[Jan 15,2008 6:10pm - thuringwethil ""]
I use iTunes.

Mac user born and raised.

there's gonna be movie rentals on iTunes they said today.
[Jan 15,2008 6:11pm - RichHorror ""]
I use iTunes, but I never use it to buy anything.
[Jan 15,2008 6:32pm - succubus ""]
thuringwethil said:I use iTunes.

Mac user born and raised.

there's gonna be movie rentals on iTunes they said today.

yeah i read that...a lot of cool stuff for my touch ut you have to pay $20
mehhh i'm not paying for it


"We decided to add five apps to the touch. Mail, maps, stocks, notes, and weather!" "
here is the link: http://www.engadget.com/2008/01/15/live-fr...om-macworld-2008-steve-jobs-keynote
[Jan 15,2008 7:07pm - pam nli  ""]
RichHorror said:I use iTunes, but I mever use it to buy anything.

Same here. I hate it, it's a buggy, shitty, fuckpile of a program.

I like the podcasts, though.
[Jan 15,2008 7:09pm - dreadkill ""]
pam nli said:RichHorror said:I use iTunes, but I mever use it to buy anything.

Same here. I hate it, it's a buggy, shitty, fuckpile of a program.

I like the podcasts, though.

works great on my mac
[Jan 15,2008 7:10pm - pam nli  ""]
dreadkill said:pam nli said:RichHorror said:I use iTunes, but I mever use it to buy anything.

Same here. I hate it, it's a buggy, shitty, fuckpile of a program.

I like the podcasts, though.

works great on my mac

Yeah I bet it does. I'm not getting a mac no matter how miserable Apple tries to make me for it.
[Jan 15,2008 9:22pm - sxealex ""]
you can install os x on pcs with intel if you know what you are doing. definately better than windowz

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