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Anodyne - Boston - Feb 7th

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Jan 15,2004 2:16am - JonahBloodbath ""]
Feb 7th @ The real world house, Allston Ma

TDB Records Presents:
Anodyne (Chaotic hardcore kings)
As long as we're all living, we're all dying (Dark emotional hardcore)
Tidal (NY Isis-ey stoner metal)
Into The Fray (Brutal technical metalcore)

6:30, $5, All ages
Email Bloodbathrecords@aol.com for address
[Jan 15,2004 2:21am - phantos ""]
hmm. got links to sound samples?

[Jan 15,2004 2:31am - JonahBloodbath ""]
I'll have to find my tidal cd and rip a song or two, maybe i'll do that tomorrow morning. In anycase, If you even remotly like isis, pelican, or anything in that vain, you'd really like Tidal. They're amazing..

Here's a wicked old As long as we're all living.. mp3:

And here's Into the Fray:

Anodyne im sure you could find on kazaa..
[Jan 15,2004 2:41am - phantos ""]
Anodyne I know.
but thnx for the others.
Looking forward to a bit of the Tidal as well.
[Jan 17,2004 1:02am - phantos ""]
Tidal mp3s?
[Jan 17,2004 2:45pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
This show is now matinee at 3:00 in the afternoon. Also, one more band was added from NY..can't remember their name though..

I can't find my tidal cd, but I'll try and get the band to post some mp3s..
[Jan 18,2004 6:16pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
phantos said:Tidal mp3s?

Tidal mp3:


sorry it took so long. just an fiy, its an 8 minute song and a fairly big download..
[Jan 18,2004 6:23pm - phantos ""]
awesome. thnx.
[Jan 31,2004 7:29pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
you gonna come check them out phantos?
[Feb 5,2004 1:55am - JonahBloodbath ""]
If anyone cared, The Escaped dropped off this bill and will be replaced by an acoustic punk band..
[Feb 7,2004 1:17pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
last bump..
[Feb 7,2004 1:24pm - phantos ""]
I would check it out.,, but this weather is keeping me at the house like a responsible little boy. ANodune is worth the trip. Everyone else should check them out. I missed them last time they were up here in town becasue they played against us that night at antoher venue...
too bad we couldnt have merged shows. Our show was packed...
therefore theirs wasnot.. bummer. good band.
[Feb 8,2004 3:24am - JonahBloodbath ""]
Hey man, anodyne got a great reaction and afterwords mike the guitarist was telling me that they have two tours in the works, both coming through boston.

So it looks like you'll have a couple more chances ;)
[Feb 8,2004 3:32am - George ""]
guess what band you're putting on that lineup ;-p
[Feb 8,2004 1:54pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
Hehe, if aganihm is still together then aganihm gets to play ;)

there's some insentive..
[Feb 8,2004 1:58pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hopefully it won't be a weekday or a weekend show so the rest of them'll be able to play it.
[Feb 8,2004 3:24pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
it can't be a weekend or a weekday?


if your making a joke then I get it...if not...then what?!
[Feb 8,2004 7:42pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Yes, I was making a joke.
[Feb 9,2004 1:35am - phantos ""]
no joking please.
[Feb 9,2004 3:50am - JonahBloodbath ""]
your a funny guy ;)
[Feb 9,2004 9:41am - the_reverend ""]
his a regular carrot-top
[Feb 9,2004 3:58pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
That's Brillo Top to you.
[Feb 9,2004 4:00pm - succubus ""]
YAYYYY he posted one of the pics!!! this is one of the one's i was talking about!!!!
ps: see you WERE blonde..well..when you were younger
(not fat though)
[Feb 9,2004 4:21pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hair dye. It was clear at one point. Translucent hair is weird.
[Feb 9,2004 4:41pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
[Feb 9,2004 5:29pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
does anyone have contacts for Into the Fray?
[Feb 9,2004 6:50pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
what the HELL are you guys talking about?
[Feb 9,2004 6:51pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
attendmyrequiem said:does anyone have contacts for Into the Fray?


tell em that jonah sent you ;)
[Feb 9,2004 7:34pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
JonahBloodbath said:what the HELL are you guys talking about?


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