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Aaron Russo interviews Ron Paul about IRS, Gold standard, taxes

[Feb 1,2008 5:40pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
from before the presidential race

[Feb 1,2008 5:41pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
"it's not a law, but they have all the guns so they can pretend it's a law"
[Feb 1,2008 6:11pm - the_reverend ""]
the government is not trying to keep up the dollar right now. they are saying that they are, but they aren't. everyone knows that.

there isn't enough gold in the world to back our dollar.
At a gold price of US$800 per Troy ounce, or around $26,000 per kilogram, the value of this entire planetary stock would be $3.65 trillion, which is less than the value of cash circulating in the U.S. alone, where more than $7.3 trillion is in circulation or on deposit.

there also isn't a law for taxes... so what are you going to do about that? Our dollar has value because our government exists. If it was released how big the gold reserves were, then some other country with large investments here which are equal to more than reserves, ie china, india, britian, they could cause a run on the banks that would collapse our economy.
[Feb 1,2008 6:13pm - the_reverend ""]
all of the gold in the world would have to be collected x 2 to back our dollar. the price of gold would go through the roof. also, there would be a ceiling placed on our economy which was hit many years ago.
[Feb 1,2008 6:17pm - Hoser ""]
For once....I agree wholeheartedly.
[Feb 1,2008 6:17pm - the_reverend ""]
that is also just our economy. you would need a hung amount of gold (4-5 times what exists on this planet) to hold up a gold standard for the world.
[Feb 1,2008 6:21pm - the_reverend ""]
Ron Paul's arguments are wild and the same exact arguments that 7th graders from their US History class make. Trust in the value of a dollar is the trust in a government. If the government collapses, you lose your investment in that government. If there were a gold standard and you are one of the "lucky" ones that collects your gold, if the US government collapses good luck surviving on the value of your gold! it will collapse, crushed by the value of a gallon of milk or a sammich.
[Feb 1,2008 6:31pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
we should base our money on the water standard

as that will be more expensive than oil and gold in a few years.
[Feb 1,2008 6:36pm - the_reverend ""]
true that... we need to invent a way, using solar power, to convert salt/polluted water to clean water.
[Feb 1,2008 7:08pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
the_reverend said:true that... we need to invent a way, using solar power, to convert salt/polluted water to clean water.

we can start by dismantling the privatization of water. Water should be owned by the people and controlled by the government and the only charges should be to cover maintenance of equipment transporting it and cleaning it

fuck bottled water, the biggest environmental catastrophe in the world is this trend with bottled water.

It's bottled water which will cause the price of normal water to skyrocket.
[Feb 1,2008 7:16pm - the_reverend ""]
oh man... don't get me started... I reuse my bottles for months.
[Feb 1,2008 8:37pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
the_reverend said:oh man... don't get me started... I reuse my bottles for months.

I hope you are throughly cleaning those.

and you would be one of few who does such a thing, there must be trillions of bottles made each year.
[Feb 1,2008 8:37pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
should tie em all together and make a floating island
[Feb 1,2008 9:47pm - the_reverend ""]
call it new poland springs?
the number of bottles is in the billions, I think.
let me find it.
[Feb 1,2008 9:49pm - the_reverend ""]
In 2004 the total global consumption of bottled water was 154 billion liters (41 billion gallons), a 57 percent increase from the 98 billion liters consumed in 1999.[1] Americans buy about 28 billion water bottles a year, 80% end up in landfills. California is leading the solution by recycling 60% of their bottles. (12 billion out of 20 billion sold)

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