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new doom/sludge/shit project

[Feb 11,2008 3:56am - deadlikemurf ""]
awhile ago i posted about trying to get something going in the vein of doom/sludge type stuff and finally got it together... we are called bearstorm.

the lineup features both present and former members of deadlikedeath, disengaged, blue bloods, rummy rumsfeld and the klopecs, mancain, lovers muggers and theives, van three, red eye drive, patisha, and many more i forget...

check out the myspace and shit all over it please. thanks.


please friend us, but don't friend the bears.

*the song up is our first song, written 2 practices ago, recorded at our 2nd practice ever, live on a 4-track at our space, so go easy sweethearts.


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